F43 Trickster

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Showing all art that mentions F43 Trickster, collections/skin/fae_trickster_f43 or has been linked to the collection.
Featured Art Comments:
Entity: “I'm a sucker for anything futuristic, so the F43 Trickster charmed me in an instant. It's impressive how well you translated that aesthetic into a plush! I've always loved being able to switch out face parts on toys, the layer of customization it adds always touches my heart. “
Featured Art Comments:
Thank you for entering the Fest-o-Exodave Art Contest!
We feel that the style differs by a large amount from your usual quality, specifically the use of squares that we would expect to see from a low effort paint entry; and with that reason, we've decided to not mark this as eligible for a reward. While the colours of your piece are pleasant, the way it fits together feels a bit sloppy and rushed. We understand this might be due to the subject piece being quite blocky, and know that we appreciate your previous submissions, and hope you continue to keep up the quality.