Sugar Skull

Dev Tracker
Posts the Trove developers have made that mention "Sugar Skull"
Posts the Trove developers have made that mention "Sugar Skull"
Blitz and Glitz Edition
Avarem / Trove Forums
Preview: he Fae Trickster, by Leeon1234 * The Sugar Skull for the Candy Barbarian, by Ast Show
Arriving on 4/21/15!
* There are new costumes on the store (and in a brand new pack), they are:
* The Heartbreaker for the Gunslinger, by CloBunny
* The Bee Trickster for the Fae Trickster, by Rajeeb
* The F43 Trickster for the Fae Trickster, by Leeon1234
* The Sugar Skull for the Candy Barbarian, by Astrick
* The Dark Infineon for the Candy Barbarian, by Screamheart
* The Heartbleed for the Neon Ninja, by Astrick
* The Lunar Ronin for the Neon Ninja, by Thelgmo
* The Shadow’s Disciple for the Ice Sage, by FriedSushi
* Chaos Chests have been randomized. Open a few and see what’s in there this week! We’ve put in a few Meownts plus the Neon Nightcycle and a bouncing bug we found lying around.
* The hotbar has been updated to the new UI style.
* The star bar has been updated to the new UI style.
* There are now some new graphics settings that are testable for high end users (coming soon to actual video settings near you).
* Type /postbloom to test out bloom
* Type /postssao to test out ambient occlusion.
* New VFX for Candy Barbarian - Licorice Lord costume.
* Dracolyte VFX beefed up a little.
* Fixed bug where Dracolyte and Pirate Captain familiars disappeared after player fell to their death
* You can now join other club members in their worlds from the club roster!
* Fix for Class Coin or Flask coin not unlocking your selection if in a specific slot.
* Fixed bug where wings sometimes got triggered by normal jumps in club worlds
* Fixed a bug where it was possible to get more than 8 people in a Shadow Arena or Dungeon
* Corrected the orientation on the Gunslinger charged shots and Chaos Hound's footprints.
* Enemies no longer leave combat in Shadow Arenas
* New hairstyles by Rajeeb, Phydra, MonsterAnt and Pupshies have been added to the game!
* New hat styles by Ranen, SK8REX, Sqwyt, Aviarei, Mythlit, Brava, Eriri, The_Coby, Shalimar, AngeloTGC, Fizzinc, TigerLove, Mansage, Knightlock, Estavos, MappyT, MonsterAnt, MajorTom, chocobag, and Stedms have been added to the game!
More Boots More Fun Edition
Morgana / Trove Forums
Preview: que projectile for "Ice Crash" * The Sugar Skull skin for the Candy Barbarian no Show
Arriving on 5/5/15!
* Chaos Chests have been randomized! Some seasonal mounts, some love, and a preview of the Uni-Cycle!
* New starter pack now available! This pack is $5 and contains 750 Credits, 5 Chaos Chests, the Dark Hood cosmetic unlock, and the Foreman Footwear ally unlock. This ally grants both Jump and Lasermancy!
* New wings now in the store! Xero Line and Bloodseeker. These can be purchased with Credits or Cubits.
* All Treasure Isles NPCs, spring beetles, and Desert Crabs will now drop trophies! Thanks, Tribe!
* You can now use /joinworld [clubname] to join a club's world directly! Note: this will only work for clubs that have had a member log in since the patch.
* Both Ships and Sails are now under the Ships collections tab. Both Fishing Poles and Fish are under the Fishing collections tab.
* Diggsly has leveled up his Lasermancy stat and now provides more for his allies.
* Diggsly now grants 50 mastery.
* The Shadowy Market has an assortment of new items for trade, including four new Allies, a Fishing Pole, two new sails, a Mag Rider, the Dark Hood, and the Insanisteed!
* New Boot allies are now live! Craft them in the hub by the pirate hut.
* Bloodsucker Wings now known as Bloodseeker Wings. Lore.
* Fixed a bug where blocks could be placed in the hub.
* The Feisty Flamedancer now properly spawns its invigorating flower as a when you deal damage.
* Miner's Trove and Costume Mystery Box are now opened like other boxes, rather than by being thrown on the ground.
* Boat cannons and buoy destruction should now have appropriate audio.
* The icon for the Magic Carpet has been updated and now shows it in all its glamour.
* The Disciple skin for Ice Sage now has a unique projectile for "Ice Crash"
* The Sugar Skull skin for the Candy Barbarian now has a unique projectile for "Eis Crom Cone."
* The Dark Infineon skin for the Candy Barbarian now has a unique projectile for "Eis Crom Cone."
* New Shadow Dungeon from LegendaryStudios and Barneebrown.
* New bow styles by homeofmew, Arradir, ParagonHawk, se7en, PinkiePie, 5p3x, Zeeg, Lurax, MamaGabby, jolsensei, Soulrenor, ShadowF1ghter, DestinyCutter, FriedSushi, MonsterAnt, Maneledo, Fiscon, LaFreakki, Pwego, InfineonJ, Khali, MotzerellaSauce, Daeminos, Erir, Thijsss, Popez, TigerLove, Ixion, Aodahn, Madlyaza, Yuyukey, Tribe, BrianVI, Megabash, Aey, Palurian, TNT_101, colabubble, Jallafish, Buff_Mantuff, billybeatable, Minecraftian, chocobag, TeeKayM, and Niestrat99 have been added to the game!
* New Fae Wilds dungeon from KtlavskoX.
* New Fae Wilds dungeon from Walyn.
* New Undead Hills dungeon from Stedms.
* New Undead Hills lair from Arnoxuz.
* New Treasure Isles dungeon from Yuyukey.
* New Permafrost lair from Jusiv.
* New Permafrost lair from Hooborg.
* New Neon City lair from Lazy_Kyu.
* New Dragonfire Peaks lair from Khastiel.