Teensy Tinsel Team
Database Changes
Changes in the database for Teensy Tinsel Team
category changed from 'Event' to 'Event Vault'
July 11, 2023 Fluxion
effects from toAlly
- 25 Magic Find
- 0.1% Critical Hit
October 5, 2021 Contribution
obtained changed fromCrafted at [Snowfest Table] with materials obtained during Snowfest 2020 event. Crafting unlocks this ally in your collections.
toCrafted at [Snowfest Table] with materials obtained during Snowfest 2020 event. Crafting unlocks this ally in your collections.
December 30, 2020 Database Change
rarity changed from '' to 'Common'December 30, 2020 Database Change
obtained changed fromto
Crafted at [Snowfest Table] with materials obtained during Snowfest 2020 event. Crafting unlocks this ally in your collections.
December 30, 2020 Database Change
powerrank changed from '0' to '20'December 30, 2020 Database Change
mastery changed from '0' to '20'December 30, 2020 Database Change
effects changed fromto
\r\n- \r\n
- 25 Magic Find \r\n
- 0.1% Critical Hit \r\n
December 30, 2020 Database Change
category changed from 'InProgress' to 'Event'December 8, 2020 Deep Dragons
images from to https://i.imgur.com/m9JLYR5.pngOctober 30, 2020 Contribution
troxel changed from nothing to LinkMay 7, 2020 Contribution
troxel changed from nothing to LinkMay 7, 2020 Contribution
Entry created
May 5, 2020 Delves