Playful Scytheling

Rg de pouvoir 20


Tout le monde va bien, c'est la fête les copains... sauf quand...
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Unlocked by random from [item=The Streamer Dream] from Streamer Giveaways.

Using the following items can unlock this collection

Allié : Faucille joueuse

Ally | | 5.0% Attack Speed | 5 Movement Speed |

Le Rêve de diffuseur de streams

Accorde une récompense de diffuseur de streams spéciale et aléatoire qu'il vous reste à débloquer.

Last updated 7 years ago

? Ally will create a non combat pet to appear alongside you and provide you with bonuses.

? Rg de pouvoir POWER RANK is granted by Equipment, Collectables, Character Levels, and various other sources. It serves as a loose measurement of how effective you are when it comes to combat in Trove. Many worlds require a minimum Power Rank value before you are allowed access.

Conçu par : ScythePlays

Themes: Shadows Eve

Icon blueprint: c_c_qubesly_scytheling_ui[scytheplays]

Updated: 7 years ago | Created: 9 years ago | Imported in Patch: Faster Fish and Double Dragon

External Links: View on Trove Wiki

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