Handsome Heckling
20 5

Rg de pouvoir 5


Infliger des dégâts aux ennemis a une chance de les faire exploser avec du feu

Une mignonnerie classique à la recherche du bon Sacréoptère à aimer. Peut être acheté occasionnellement via la boutique, ou rarement trouvé lorsque les Sacréoptères tombent amoureux.
20 points de maîtrise



Can be rarely found during Heckbugs in Love event (both 2020 and 2021) when two Heckbugs fall in love.

Tradable, can be purchased from the in-game Marketplace.

Included in the Hued Heckbug Hive store pack.

That pack can be purchased in game Store for 3000 Credits during Heckbugs in Love event (February 2020).

Using the following items can unlock this collection

Allié : Adorable chahut

Ally | | 5 Movement Speed | | Damaging enemies has a chance to blast them with fire.

Found in the following Trove Store Packs:

Feb 2020

Low mastery for price.

? Ally will create a non combat pet to appear alongside you and provide you with bonuses.

? Rg de pouvoir POWER RANK is granted by Equipment, Collectables, Character Levels, and various other sources. It serves as a loose measurement of how effective you are when it comes to combat in Trove. Many worlds require a minimum Power Rank value before you are allowed access.

Conçu par : Trove Team

Themes: Heckbug

Icon blueprint: c_m_hellbug_red_body

Updated: 2 years ago | Created: 7 years ago |

External Links: View on Trove Wiki

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