San and Cynguine, Burgeoning Virulence
- 10% Fizikális Sebzés
- 10% Mágikus Sebzés
- 15.0% Kritikus Sebzés
Esélye, ha egy közeli ellenség meghal nyerni egy nagy károsodás és a mozgás sebesség növelése
Nyereség 2,2 %-os egészségügyi minden alkalommal, kár az ellenség
Can be crafted at the Bomber Bench for 150
Bomber Royale Coin: Burnt Coins as a collections unlock.
Tradable version can be rarely unboxed from the Bomber Box.
Crafted at:
Using the following items can unlock this collection
San and Cynguine, Burgeoning Virulence
Ally | | 10% Physical Damage | 10% Magic Damage | 15.0% Critical Damage | | Chance when a nearby enemy dies to gain a large damage and movement speed boost. | Gain 1% health each time you damage an enemy.
Last updated 3 years ago
by MisterY
? Ally will create a non combat pet to appear alongside you and provide you with bonuses.
Tervezte: Trove Team
Icon blueprint: 2022/allies/duodrak_twoheads_battle/c_c_duodrak_twoheads_battle_ui
Updated: 3 years ago | Created: 3 years ago | Imported in Patch: Bomber Royale Season 3
External Links: View on Trove Wiki