Kami of Unified Opposition
50 75

파워 랭크 75

주위에서 적이 죽으면 일정 확률로 피해량과 이동 속도가 크게 증가합니다.

공공의 적으로 인해 기상천외한 동맹이 만들어졌습니다.
50 마스터리 포인트



Can be unlocked by crafting at a Resistor Workbench.

Tradable - can be rarely unboxed from Greater Neon Caches.

잠금 해제
Using the following items can unlock this collection

펫: 마지못한 동맹의 카미
[Ally: Kami of Unified Opposition]


Ally | | 3.0% Attack Speed | 15.0% Critical Damage | | Chance when a nearby enemy dies to gain a large damage and movement speed boost.

Last updated 1 year ago by UniverseWitchAludra

? Ally will create a non combat pet to appear alongside you and provide you with bonuses.

? 파워 랭크 POWER RANK is granted by Equipment, Collectables, Character Levels, and various other sources. It serves as a loose measurement of how effective you are when it comes to combat in Trove. Many worlds require a minimum Power Rank value before you are allowed access.

제작자: Trove Team

Themes: Kami

Icon blueprint: c_c_duodrak_kamiob_ui

Updated: 6 years ago | Created: 7 years ago |

External Links: View on Trove Wiki

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