Monarch Dragonling

Showing pages that match the terms collections/pet/dragon_mastery, Monarch Dragonling.
The Gunslinger is often an overlooked class when considering damage output and overall ability in PvE, most probably due to an unclear meta and relatively poor stat scaling. However, there are solutions that can be easily used when playing as the Gunsli...
July 11, 2016
This guide is to help all Trovians out there on how to obtain Allies and what use they offer. Rate and leave a comment down below...I appreciate it and see you all later mates....
July 11, 2016 Allies
Disclaimers :This Guide will be useful as long as you use it before the game changes its mechnics This Guide will help you get your first Dragon or at least show you how to....
August 8, 2015 Dragons
We've updated the database to the Launch is Coming Update....
July 7, 2015 Database Update
The Trove developers hosted a livestream this afternoon, covering new badge and mastery rewards, the new class, and more! Forum thread here!...
June 26, 2015 Livestream