

Com menos de 70% de HP, você ganha 15 de velocidade de movimento, 15% de velocidade de ataque e 15% de dano aumentado.

Zynny is less interested in the fighting and more interested in the blasts.
10 Pontos de Maestria



Can be crafted at the Bomber Bench for 150 Bomber Royale Coin: Burnt Coins as a collections unlock.

Tradable version can be rarely unboxed from the Bomber Box and the Sticky Bomber Box.

Using the following items can unlock this collection


Ally | | 250 Light | 10 Jump | -8% Incoming Damage | | While below 70% hp you gain 15 movement speed, 15% attackspeed, and 15% increased damage.

? Ally will create a non combat pet to appear alongside you and provide you with bonuses.

Criado por: Trove Team

Icon blueprint: 2022/allies/dragon_baby_bomberroyale_sticky/c_c_dragon_baby_bomberroyale_sticky_ui

Updated: 2 years ago | Created: 3 years ago | Imported in Patch: Bomber Royale Season 3

External Links: View on Trove Wiki

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