PROTO - Mini
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Showing all art that mentions PROTO - Mini, collections/pet/biped_proto_overrated or has been linked to the collection.
Featured Art Comments:
This proud guy looks great, and his little friend hanging off his spear is a really cute design choice. Love the face dots as LEDs and the glow they seem to give off. The armour also looks very detailed, love the shape of the body and the glow of the gems! Great job!
- TFM and Etaew
Featured Art Comments:
I like how in your face this guy is, the glowing effect on his blue parts look good and the smol friend in the sky is cute.
- TFM and Etaew
Featured Art Comments:
Smol guy looks a bit sad, don't worry! You'll grow up to be just as big soon! Really like the details on the armour, even if the big guy is flexing.
- TFM and Etaew