Radiant Steed

Showing pages that match the terms collections/mount/warhorse_radiant, Radiant Steed.
These are the collections from the database update of Trove - Adventures. This is in a seperate document due to the length....
November 14, 2017 Database Update
This week in Trove we’re celebrating Lunar New Year on the PC and doubling up XP for console players! Read on for the latest Trove news. Playing Trove on consoles? The top Chaos Chest prize this week is the shimmering Radiant Steed! In additi...
January 25, 2017 Blog
This weeks Chaos Chest rotation is as follows: Thanks to AkuGames for providing the information to us. What is a Chaos Chest ? Chaos Chests are low-cost chests which have a lot of possible loot from both the past, present, and future of...
July 27, 2016 Chaos Chest
The Neon Dragons Edition patch features new dragons, chaos chest randomisations, a new adventure box and various other adjustments. The servers will go down July 21, 7AM PDT and will be down for around 3 hours. Source: http://forums.trovegam...
July 21, 2015 Patch
An overview of the Radiant Ruins biome, added with the Take Flight update. Source: http://www.shapestonejournal.net/radiant-ruins-guide/...
March 8, 2015
The Trove team have posted a new community blog announcing two new mounts....
March 5, 2015
A new patch has been announced, highlights include: 3 New Mounts Double Glim from adventuring for this week Half price on Winter Pinatas this week, after that they are gone from store Continue reading for the full patch notes. Source: http...
February 23, 2015 Patch