Skulking Skitterling

Dev Tracker
Posts the Trove developers have made that mention "Skulking Skitterling"
Posts the Trove developers have made that mention "Skulking Skitterling"
Patch - The Mighty Jungle - Sep 13, 2016
Mr. E / Trove Forums
Preview: Chest have been shuffled, get ahold of the Skulking Skitterling mount! Do do Show
Jurassic Jungle
- The Jurassic Jungle biome is now live! It has new decoration recipes, styles, and enemies! It will start showing up randomly in Prime adventure worlds. Have fun! Includes a Dino Egg Temple lair from stedms!
- The Dino Tamer is now available for purchase outside of the Prehistoric Pack and is now unlockable with a Class Coin!
Weekly Updates
- The rare contents of the Chaos Chest have been shuffled, get ahold of the Skulking Skitterling mount!
- Do do you you like like ore ore?? Get twice as much of it this week when mining!
Multi-threading Beta
- Players can now enable multi-threading support. In your Trove.cfg (%appdata%/trove will get you there in windows), under the [User] section add the line "Multithreaded = true".
- Please give us feedback and report any bugs you may find!
Additional Updates
- Class Coins unlocked via the Refer A Friend program can no longer be loot collected - Note added 9/13
- Dino Tamer: Pets are beefier.
- Dino Tamer: Clever Snare can now crit.
- Dino Tamer: when in the Battle Arena, the ultimate no longer increases run speed.
- Removed the increased damage debuff applied to targets under the effect of Clever Snare.
- Damage coefficient for the Clever Snare has been reduced.
- Increased the # of items on the Marketplace drop downs.
- Updated a lot of the UI to better accommodate longer, localized strings.
- Signs have been updated and no longer parse HTML.
- The Loot Collector no longer accepts additional loot once the "Components Collected" section is full.
- All categories in the Settings menu now prompt you to save unsaved changes when switching to new categories.
- Dragging from personal chests to the Marketplace interface is now supported.
- Shadow towers will now be spawned in their owner's region (EU or NA).
- Additional logging to help track down rubberbanding issues.
Bug Fixes
- Updated the Dragon Coin description to refer to the correct Store Tab.
- Fixed a bug where zoning while mounted could crash you.
- Fixed a bug where escape wouldn't close the Clubs window.
- Fixed bug where Pirate Captain turret disappeared (but continued to fire) after 10 seconds even if you picked up doubloons.
- Fixed marketplace bug where no results appeared when Item Type was set to Blocks, Building, Crafting, Decoration, or Items.
- Fixed a disconnect issue related to trading.
- Fixed a disconnect issue related to NPCs destroying plants grown from seeds.
- Fixed a bug where the initial rotation of projectiles was slightly inaccurate.
- Fixed a bug where the Navigation Menu disallowed clicks that happened outside of it.
- Fixed an issue where sometimes icons wouldn't show up in the Trade window.
- Fixed an issue where particle collisions could create a feedback loop and travel relativistic speeds.