Bonewalker: Rapacious Raider

- 95 Mozgási Sebesség
- 100 Suhanás
So weighed down with credits they're spilling over and have to walk on all fours.
Purchaseable from Fungi Thingshapers in the Ashen Wastes in the Sundered Uplands, but only after all other 'Bonewalker Dinosaurs' have been unlocked on your account.
100 Mesteri Pont
? Mount allows the player to move quickly on land.
? Wings allow the player to glide through the air.
Tervezte: Trove Team
Icon blueprint: 2023/mounts/griffon_viking/c_mt_griffon_viking_ui
Updated: 2 years ago | Created: 2 years ago | Imported in Patch: Gunslinger Noscope
External Links: View on Trove Wiki
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