
Posts the Trove developers have made that mention "Drumsticks"
Preview: . Craft these four Griffons: Drumsticks requires 1 Griffon Talisman and Show
Join the Party Wave 3
- The Party is at its Peak! Shadow Pinata Invaders are dropping again, and Pinates is back with the incredible Hyped-Up Pinata mount!
- Very very (very) rarely in the Cursed Skylands a Griffon Talisman will drop. This tradable crafting material can be used in crafting Griffons at the Adventurer's Crafting Bench.
- Craft these four Griffons:
Drumsticks requires 1 Griffon Talisman and 60,000 Flux
Paul Esteban Maclaw requires 1 Griffon Talisman, 60,000 Flux, and 750 Golden Seashells
Falminar, Assuager of Burdens requires 1 Griffon Talisman, 60,000 Flux, and 1,300 Crystallized Clouds
Frostgale the Fierce requires 1 Griffon Talisman, 60,000 Flux, and 2,500 Glacial Shards
- Stedm's coin collect challenge is now live. Good luck!
- The coin collection challenges now require 100 coins for the top tier and 85 coins for the second tier.
Additional Updates
- Fixed Chaos Chests sometimes not being looted in Shadow Towers.
- Text on the dragon effigy has been updated for clarity.
- Disaeon now grants +30 Power Rank and the following stats but does NOT grant Mastery:
+1000 Max Health
+1 Maximum Energy
+1 Energy Regeneration
+50 Magic Find- Added /replaceblock to the metaforge, which replaces the targeted block with the block selected on your hotbar.
- Candy Barbarian - Shaggy Yeti costume now plays its Ultimate VFX properly.
- Revised the icon for the Cobalt Carp.
Preview: me.com/showthread.php?97808-Fan-Art-Contest-Drumsticks-the-Griffon-Mount.&highlight Show
Such great entries everyone! Again, the hardest part was getting all the votes in and ultimately choosing the winners.
DRUM ROLL. . . . Here are the winners for the Griffon Art Contest!!
Grand Prize Winner IT'S A TIE!!
Prize: 1 Chaos Coin, 5 Drumstick Griffon Mount codes and a rendition of their concept in game with codes.
Top 5(+1) “Runner-Up” Winners
Prize: 1 chaos coin and 5 Drumstick Griffon Mount codes each.
10 “Runner-Runner-Up” Winners
Prize: 1 Drumstick Griffon Mount code each.
Honorable Mentions
Prize: One drawing by Twixler.
Prize: One drawing by Junebug.
*The codes for the Drumstick the Griffon will be given out when available and I will keep you updated as to when. As of now the mount is still in the pipeline and receiving some polish. We will contact you all soon.
**The two top winners will get their concept added to the game at a later date, some time will be needed for modeling and implementation.
If anyone chooses to pull blueprints and do some griffon modding- make sure you have the latest blueprints! They are live now. You know you have the right version if the neck isn't 'just a square'...
I will contact winners via forums :)
Preview: /li> Fixed some wonky camera stuff with Drumsticks Show
Testing Focus - Gem Adjustments
These changes are designed to make it so you feel like you’re more consistently making gem progress as you play the game.
In addition, we wanted to add more excitement and improve the feeling of progression when it comes to lesser gems.
JUN 23 PATCH========================
- Fixed an issue where only a single dungeon type would spawn in the Tundra =D
- Fixed some wonky camera stuff with Drumsticks
- Added some behind the scenes stuff that changes how the daily bonus loot works.
- You can now combine 10 Clover Gem Boosters in to 1 Horseshoe Gem Booster at the Adventurer's Crafting Bench. Empowered gems now Loot Collect in to Empowered Gem Fragments. Collect 10 of these and you can craft a Stellar Gem Box at the Adventurer's Crafting Bench.
- Lesser gems now have a higher chance to have more stats. There is a new tradable Golden Gem Key which can be used on lesser gem boxes to get a guaranteed rare result. There is a new 33 booster box purchase in the store that also contains one bonus Golden Gem Key.
- Lowered the levels at which Gem sockets unlock! Empowered gems now become available earlier, at level 12, 15, and 20 (previously they were 21, 23, 25). Certain lesser gem sockets also unlock earlier, at level 23 and 26 (formerly 27,29). Slot those empowered gems, and benefit from the additional Power Rank earlier.
Misc Updates/ChangesCommunity Submissions
- Removed Energy Regen as a stat given to Pirate Captain when leveling up. It has been replaced with Health Regen.
- Fixed a bug where pulling out of a trade session can prevent the other person from starting a new trade session.
- Horizontal aircurrent blocks now show a directional indicator when placing them in build mode.
- Fixed Lil PuP's head to be more symmetrical.
- Remove extraneous purple torches in the hub's Adventure Tower
- Exposed additional strings to localization.
- The tooltip on the Empowered Gem Box now correctly states that Class Gem Key Fragments can be granted by opening the Box.
- Dust no longer drops from gemboxes when you get a rare result. Gems only!
- Dr. Qubesly now gives out +30 more Mastery Points! Nothing a quick medical recertification wouldn't cure.
- New Candoria dungeon from Karokendo.
- New Lost Isles dungeon from 1nsaint!
- New Tundra dungeon from