Panatea, the Partifier
Posts the Trove developers have made that mention "Panatea"
Join our pool party & celebrate #Trove's 7th birthday with all-new packs! 🏊
— Trove | Play Now! (@TroveGame) July 13, 2022
🦆 House Carys Pool Party
🦀 House Panatea Pool Party
⭐ House Tysorion Pool Party
Let us know which house knows how to party best 👇
Keep Cool. Keep #Gaming. #mmo
Preview: Show
Êtes-vous prêts pour le plus grand événement de l’année dans Trove ?
Venez fêter avec nous la plus grande fête de l’année dans Trove : le Solaria !
C’est non seulement notre fête d’été mais également notre fête d’anniversaire, car Trove fête ses 5 ans cette année !
Choisissez sagement l’une des trois Maisons : Tysorion, Panatéa ou Carys et tentez de stopper l’invasion des pinatas de l’ombre dans les mondes d’aventure pour pouvoir recevoir des Pièces de Maison et ainsi pouvoir en faire don à votre Maison ou pour les échanger contre de magnifiques récompenses !
Apportez également votre aide à Cubrick afin qu’il puisse faire revivre le grand feu pour Elysia et empêchez sa sœur jalouse de le voler !
Et n’oubliez surtout pas de contrer la grande Menace Effleurlune pour recevoir encore plus de récompenses !
Vous pensez à présent que c’est tout ?
Bien sûr que non ! L’édition spéciale du Solaria 2020 a laissé son empreinte également dans notre boutique.
Vous pourrez y trouver un pack spécial pour chaque Maison :
Le Pack dynamique de Solaria – Maison Carys
- Boulpoil, Garde félin du Vallon (Monture)
- Dragonnet du vallon doré (Allié)
- Station de don diminutive (Allié)
- Pote caryséen dodu (Allié)
- Gardien du vallon doré pour l’Avant-Gardien (Costume)
Le Pack dynamique de Solaria – Maison Tysorion
- Soli-taure, porteur de bannière sur le front de Tysorion (Monture)
- Pinata surexcitée (Monture)
- P’tysorion (Allié)
- Pote tysorion dodu (Allié)
- Hyper-pinata format réduit (Allié)
- Pédatombre de Tysorion pour le Prédatombre (Costume)
Le Pack dynamique de Solaria – Maison Panatéa
- Perry, le défenseur panatéen (Monture)
- Pinatosaure (Monture)
- Pote panatéen dodu (Allié)
- Gâteau de célébration (Allié)
- Petit fêtard (Allié)
- Sage panatéen pour le Cryosage (Costume)
Le Sunfest se déroulera du 7 juillet 2020 à 13h00 CEST jusqu’au 21 juillet 2020 à 13h00 CEST !
Vous désirez savoir comment le Solaria fonctionne ? Alors consultez notre FAQ >>>ici<<<
Profitez pleinement de l’été et fêtez l’anniversaire de Trove comme il se doit lors de notre Solaria 2020 !
Amusez-vous bien lors de la plus grande fête de l’année !
L’équipe Trove
Preview: der drei Häuser mit Bedacht aus: Tysorion, Panatea oder Carys und versucht, die Invasi Show
Seid ihr bereit für das größte Event des Jahres in Trove?
Feiert mit uns die größte Party des Jahres in Trove: das Sonnenfest!
Es ist nicht nur unser Sommerfest, sondern auch unsere Geburtstagsfeier, denn Trove feiert dieses Jahr seinen 5-jährigen Geburtstag!
Wählt eines der drei Häuser mit Bedacht aus: Tysorion, Panatea oder Carys und versucht, die Invasion der Schatten-Pinaten in den Abenteuerwelten zu stoppen, um Hausmünzen zu erhalten und sie somit eurem Haus zu spenden oder um sie gegen großartige Belohnungen einzutauschen!
Helft auch Kubus, damit er ein großes Lagerfeuer für Elysia aufleuchten lassen kann und verhindert, dass seine eifersüchtige Schwester es stiehlt!
Und vergesst nicht, den großen Mondberührten Schergen zu vernichten, um noch mehr Belohnungen zu erhalten!
Ihr denkt jetzt bestimmt, dass das alles war !
Selbstverständlich nicht ! Die Sonderausgabe von Solaria 2020 hat auch in unserem Shop Spuren hinterlassen.
Für jedes Haus findet ihr ein spezielles Paket:
Das Sommerfestpaket des Hauses Carys
- Fellknäuelrich, Katzenwächter des Tals (Reittier)
- Drachi des Goldenen Tals (Gefährten)
- Winzige Spendenstation (Gefährten)
- Kugelrunder Carys-Kumpel (Gefährten)
- Wächter des Goldenen Tals für den Gralshüter (Kostüm)
Das Sommerfestpaket des Hauses Tysorion
- Sontaur, Bannerträger der Tysorion-Front (Reittier)
- Hyperpinata (Reittier)
- Tysorion Welpe (Gefährten)
- Kugelrunder Tyrosorion-Kumpel (Gefährten)
- Mini-Hyperpinata (Gefährten)
- Tysorion-Schattenjäger für den Schattenjäger (Kostüm)
Das Sommerfestpaket des Hauses Panatea
- Perry, der Panatea-Verteidiger (Reittier)
- Pinatasaurus (Reittier)
- Kugelrunder Panatea-Kumpel (Gefährten)
- Festkuchen (Gefährten)
- Party Welpe (Gefährten)
- Panatea-Weiser für den Eisweisen (Kostüm)
Das Sonnenfest beginnt am 7. Juli 2020, um 13:00 Uhr MESZ, und endet am 21. Juli 2020, um 13:00 Uhr MESZ!
Möchtet ihr wissen, wie das Sonnenfest funktioniert? Dann schaut euch unsere FAQ >>>hier<<< an!
Nutzt den Sommer voll aus und feiert Troves Geburtstag so wie es sich gehört – bei unserem Sonnenfest 2020!
Viel Spaß bei der größten Party des Jahres!
Liebe Grüße,
euer Trove Team
Preview: Erimatra egg from the Shadow Boxes and the Panatea egg from piñatas! Show
Testing Focus
Collections UIMetaforge
- This week please pay special attention to the new collections UI.
- If you are familiar with the Metaforge, please verify you can still use it in the way you expect, as we've recently changed some behind the scenes tech which may have removed some functionality. We want to make sure you can still do everything you need to do!
- Currently Known: F9 no longer works, this will be fixed soon
JUNE 17 UPDATE===================
- Fixed an issue where Tomes didn't properly swap out.
- Smoothed the XP curve before 10 and reduced the total time to level to 10 for new players.
- Power Rank gained per class level is now 15 (up from 10).
- Increased the stats given per level for the following classes: Knight, Candy Barbarian, Boomeranger and Revenant between levels 2 and 20 to get them more in line with how much other classes gain via stats from leveling up. Slightly increased the SpellDamage across levels 2 and 7 for the Dracolyte to bring the power more in line with the listed PowerRank.
- F9 works in Metaforge again
- Fixed a bug where automatically granted recipes were being added to "Recently Acquired"
- Fixed some bugs where tooltips in the collections UI could draw over the icon you were mousing over.
JUNE 15 UPDATE===================
- Fixed an issue where opening the Collections UI through the Nav Menu would open the old UI instead of the new one.
- Fixed an issue where clicking "Mounts" from your Character Sheet wouldn't show dragons.
- Fixed a bug where items could not be purchased for credits or cubits.
- Fixed a bug where the "Complete a Challenge" step in the a tutorial objective would complete immediately upon a challenge starting.
- Fixed a bug that prevented your language setting from persisting through a client restart.
- Note: we've found and fixed the issue preventing Tomes from properly swapping out, but that fix isn't in this build.
New Collections Window!
The collections screen got a major overhaul to improve loading time and functionality! The new window has some amazing features:
- Ability to favorite styles!
- Meta category showing all styles you've recently unlocked!
- Meta category showing all styles you've recently equipped!
- Search bar!
- A "find on the marketplace" button for uncollected styles.
- The ability to hide styles you don't own.
- And more!
Three new dragons descend upon Trove! You can obtain the Ludini egg from the Adventure Boxes, Erimatra egg from the Shadow Boxes and the Panatea egg from piñatas!
Patron Update
In addition to their previous benefits, Patrons now also get:
- Doubled drop rate for Shadow Tower key fragments.
- Doubled amount of karma generation for Gem Boxes.
- Changed the magic find bonus from +200 flat Magic Find to instead doubling Magic Find (+100%).
Mastery Update
- Reduced mastery points required for all ranks up to 5 to 25 points, 6-10 to 50 points, and 11-20 to 75 points. This is designed to ease the on ramp of mastery for players new to Trove.
- Players who have already bypassed these levels will see a bump in their Mastery Rank.
Misc Changes / Updates
- Wednesday is no longer Fast Fishing day and is now Gem Box day! Gem Boxes now drop more often from dungeons!
- Seasons change and Summer Piñatas have arrived! Look for a hub change in the near future!
- Increased the chance of gem boxes dropping in prime Uber 1 and 2 adventure worlds.
- Quick play Battle Arena (PvP) now requires mastery rank 5 (down from 10).
- In Adept, Elite, and Master worlds there is now a small chance to get a higher level piece of equipment. You probably won't be high enough level to use it yet, but hang on to it until you can!
- Beta versions of French and German languages are available in the client.
- Beta version means that some of the translations may be inaccurate or incorrect, missing, not formatted correctly to fit within the UI, or any number of problems!
- Fixed a bug where right clicking items from your inventory wouldn't put them in the Trade UI after having successfully traded once.
- Added a confirmation prompt to /mf and /metaforge commands.
- Adjusted which slash commands can be used in /metaforge.
- Fixed a bug where using /floodfill on the base-ground in metaforge would crash you.
- Changed the display of Tomes so that rather than a flat XP value it shows a percent. This is because when Tomes changed to use dungeon completion rather than any xp given, you no longer saw how much experience your tome was granted. As a quick reminder, Tomes earn experience by completing Battle Arena maps or by clearing Dungeons. The amount you get for clearing a dungeon of a given type (3 star, 1 star, etc.) is flat, despite the difficulty of the world you're in.
- Fixed a bug where damaged blocks would show up even when VFX was in front of them.
- Exposed even more in-game text for localization.
Preview: Erimatra egg from the Shadow Boxes and the Panatea egg from piñatas!Ludini Show
Producer's Note
Update - not listed in original notes:This week is our second week of changes focused around the new player experience. In addition, we have a very exciting revamp of the Collections Window and a new set of Dragons created by our community! We're going to be releasing these dragons in batches - this one is focused around rare tradable eggs. Future Dragon batches will have other types of acquisition. Finally, we've boosted Patron to be more appealing for end game players, many of whom used Patron early in their Trove experience but later decided it was no longer worthwhile.
Join us next week for some gem acquisition buffs and further new player experience enhancements.
- Fixed an issue that caused Combat Text to "be all crazy" sometimes
- Fixed an issue that prevented the Contest leaderboards from showing up
- Added info about Chaos Chest and Bulldozer sale
New Collections Window!
The collections screen got a major overhaul to improve loading time and functionality! The new window has some amazing features:
- Ability to favorite styles!
- Meta category showing all styles you've recently unlocked!
- Meta category showing all styles you've recently equipped!
- Search bar!
- A "find on the marketplace" button for uncollected styles.
- The ability to hide styles you don't own.
- And more!
Weekly Updates
- Chaos Chest contents have been updated! Bounce your way to the new Bounding Golden Beetle.
- The BULLDOZER is on sale this week for 50% off!
Three new community designed dragons descend upon Trove! You can obtain the Ludini egg from the Adventure Boxes, Erimatra egg from the Shadow Boxes and the Panatea egg from piñatas!
- Ludini design by NovusNX
- Erimatra design by Screamheart
- Panatea design by Aviarei
Patron Update
In addition to their previous benefits, Patrons now also get:
- Doubled drop rate for Shadow Tower key fragments.
- Doubled amount of karma generation for Gem Boxes (specifically this includes all lesser gem boxes and gem booster boxes).
- Changed the magic find bonus from +200 flat Magic Find to instead doubling Magic Find (+100%).
Misc Changes / Updates
- Smoothed the XP curve before level 10, reducing the total time required to reach level 10.
- Increased Power Rank gained per class level to 15 (up from 10).
- Increased stats gained per level from 2 to 20 for the following classes: Knight, Candy Barbarian, Boomeranger and Revenant. This brings stats these classes get more in line with other classes.
- Slightly increased the amount of SpellDamage granted to the Dracolyte between levels 2 and 7.
- Fixed a bug where the "Complete a Challenge" step in the tutorial objectives wouldn't complete until you completed all tiers of a challenge. It now completes after only the first tier.
- Fixed a bug that prevented language settings from saving when you restarted your client.
- Wednesday is no longer Fast Fishing day and is now Gem Box day! Gem Boxes now drop more often from dungeons!
- Seasons are beginning to change, and the Summer Piñatas have arrived!
- Quick play Battle Arena (PvP) now requires mastery rank 5 (down from 10).
- In Adept, Elite, and Master worlds there is now a small chance to get a higher level piece of equipment. You probably won't be high enough level to use it yet, but hang on to it until you can!
- Fixed a bug where right clicking items from your inventory wouldn't put them in the Trade UI after having successfully traded once.
- Added a confirmation prompt to /mf and /metaforge commands.
- Adjusted which slash commands can be used in /metaforge.
- Fixed a bug where using /floodfill on the base-ground in metaforge would crash you.
- Changed the display of Tomes so that rather than a flat XP value it shows a percent. This is because when Tomes changed to use dungeon completion rather than any xp given, you no longer saw how much experience your tome was granted. As a quick reminder, Tomes earn experience by completing Battle Arena maps or by clearing Dungeons. The amount you get for clearing a dungeon of a given type (3 star, 1 star, etc.) is flat, despite the difficulty of the world you're in.
- Fixed a bug where the visual effect of damaged blocks would show up even when VFX was in front of them.
- Exposed even more in-game text for localization.
Preview: Coin for Rank 1 has been removed. Panatea the Partifier no longer requires a Show
Additional Updates
- Class Power Rank Weeklies now reward 50 Shadow Pinatas to anyone Rank 10 and above. The previous reward of a single Chaos Coin for Rank 1 has been removed.
- Panatea the Partifier no longer requires a Party Animal to craft.
- Adjusted the reward requirements on some race minigames.
- 3 new power rank and mastery sigil levels have been added. For power rank sigils they now go up to 20,000 and have been otherwise adjusted slightly at the high end. For mastery this means more sigils up to 300.