
Dev Tracker
Posts the Trove developers have made that mention "Uni-Cycle"
Posts the Trove developers have made that mention "Uni-Cycle"
Radiant Uber Dragons (with Badges) Edition
Morgana / Trove Forums
Preview: u might get a Chaotic Clipper, Chaotic Cruiser ,a uni-cycle and more! * Azulian Dragon Caches Show
Arriving on 6/16/15!
* The Azulian Dragon is the first dragon available via challenges, and will be available that way for a limited time!
* Consume dragon souls to advance your dragon and increase their powers.
* The Dragon Spirit will be added in a future update, and will grant passive benefits. There is one per challenge dragon type.
* Dragon Caches are available via challenges and the store.
* Challenges spawn at the top of the hour and last 20 minutes. You get points for completing dungeons and lairs with a 3X multiplier for Uber 5, 9X multiplier for Uber 6, and an additional 3X multiplier if you're playing one of the bonus classes chosen for you.
* The more points you earn (within four progressive ranks) the more Dragon Caches you get.
* Dragon Caches have Dragon Souls, materials to craft Dragon Souls, Dragon Coins, and a nice chunk of forging materials.
* You must be Mastery Rank 30 to unlock Challenges
* Badges are a collection type that unlocks as your tracked stats increase.
* Badges currently go from bronze to gold, and grant mastery, Cubits, and in the case of Patron Points, fancy mounts!
* In the near future, badges will go even higher and also unlock other collectables.
* Stats tracked include:
- Friends acquired
- Quests completed
- Blocks destroyed
- Boxes opened
- Consecutive days logged in
- Total days logged in
- Stuff fished
- Patron points earned
* Uber 6 portals can now be crafted and used. Uber 6 is hard.
* Uber 6 can drop up to Shadow Level 3 equipment and has a higher chance of dropping other rarities as well
* Shadow Level 5 equipment can now be forged.
* Radiant equipment can now be forged as an upgrade from Shadow Level 5.
* Radiant weapons have cosmetic VFX which can be randomized at the advanced forge for a nominal Glim cost.
* Costume boxes can now be purchased in packs of 10! For the cost of 9!
* Chaos boxes have been randomized. If you're lucky, you might get a Chaotic Clipper, Chaotic Cruiser ,a uni-cycle and more!
* Azulian Dragon Caches (see above)
* Equipment now counts towards required level.
* Note: you can still join someone in a world or have them use /joinme
* The minimum required levels to enter Uber worlds have been increased:
- Uber 2 - 12
- Uber 3 - 15
- Uber 4 - 20
- Uber 5 - 26
- Uber 6 - 32
* Fixed uncommon server crash when using Boomeranger.
* Boomeranger projectiles are now faster.
* Added a move cornerstone Golden Thread objective.
* Added a chance for Shadow-2 items to drop in Uber 5 adventure worlds.
* All equipment now has a better chance to drop with additional forge quality stars.
* The Summer Hub is now here!
* The hub generates higher on the terrain now.
* Small caterpillars no longer drop loot.
* Ore should now spawn 'clumpier'.
* Added item stats to consumable collection-unlocking items (like mounts, boats, etc.)
* Placeable crafting machines now trigger the 'are you sure?' prompt when dropped on the ground.
* SS Draconic, SS Dutchman, and Chaotic Clipper now trigger the 'are you sure?' prompt when dropped on the ground.
* The SS Corgi and SS Dinghy clippers have been retrofitted with helms; you will no longer need to rely on pirate voodoo to steer them.
* Deconstructing resulting in more than 9999 of a single item stack will now grant players the correct amount, instead of "just" 9999 of them.
* Fixed a bug where mastery point text in tooltips were very hard to read.
* Fixed a bug where many collectables showed 0 mastery points.
* Fix for forging breaking if you were using a forge while it was removed from the world.
* Fixed bug where quest triggers don't show instruction text; increased interactable area of quest triggers.
* Fixed bug in compass FOV Changing aspect ratio now correctly updates compass.
* Fae Boughskimmer should now give mastery correctly.
* Fixed a client crash.
* Source Spectre mask should no longer clip into hairstyles.
* Summer Pin Head should now display its icon correctly when trading it.
* Fixed a bug where water next to a cornerstone would not update after removing said cornerstone.
* Polish to Radiant Temple Prism Quests Audio.
* Onimous Totem audio - size increase.
* Fixed bug where equipped starter weapons disappeared until relogging if you forge them beyond your current level.
* Fixed a crash that would happen when pressing the spacebar and enter key at the exact same time.
* Color and lighting polish for tutorial, forest, desert, candy, undead, and peaceful biomes.
* Fixed bug where portal tooltips are high above the portal.
* Fixed bug where using the Rally Blade always toggled players being able to teleport to you and never teleported you to other players.
* Fixed a bug where if you opened chat while loading your camera would remain free when other windows were open and it would be really annoying.
* New Novice Highlands lair from Stedms.
Golden Thread Edition
Morgana / Trove Forums
Preview: ! The Overlord Omniseat, the Love Seat, the Uni-Cycle, and the Ancient Cubits! & Show
Arriving on 5/12/15!
The Golden Thread is now in game! This guides new (and existing!) players to explore all parts of the game in exchange for tons of Cubits.
* Added new mounts to the store! The Overlord Omniseat, the Love Seat, the Uni-Cycle, and the Ancient Cubits!
- The seats are available for credits and cubits, the Uni-Cycle for credits, and the Ancient Cubits for cubits.
* Anything in the store that is purchased for Cubits is now unlocked instead of tradable.
* Credit purchases have the option to be unlocked or gained as an item.
* The Store Horses (Storses) have had their price increased to match the Racing Raptor.
* The Style Surprise is no longer available for Cubits. Don't panic: it will return at a later date!
* Randomized the chaos chest! Look for a preview of a magical floating tome, the chaos clipper, and a little leftover love.
* Buddy Budgie Adventurer's Chests have been replaced with Adventurer's Bento Boxes! These have a chance of containing the Shuffling Shrimp Nigiri or Delicious Dragon Roll mounts, created by FriedSushi!
* Reduced the number of buoys that spawn in the Treasure Isles.
* The missing radiant styles have been removed from Collections entirely. Don't worry, they'll show up soon! (We need to fix style tech before any new styles are added. Better, faster, soon.)
* The Welcome screen is now displayed on each login.
* Slightly increased performance of OpenGL shaders.