
Ocean Bed

Carrying coral across land and sea.

设计者为: _FutureHero_


Server flag: chaos_chest_mount_carpet_ocean

Themes: Isles


Showing pages that match the terms collections/mount/carpet_ocean, Ocean Bed.

Ocean Bed - Art Challenge Results

Thank you to everyone who entered into our [Ocean Bed] challenge for [_FutureHero_], we have the results ready for you....

April 8, 2022 Art Contest Results

Ocean Bed - Art Challenge

For the next two weeks [_FutureHero_] is challenging the artist community to draw a scene featuring the [Ocean bed] carpet mount for a chance to receive a code to unlock it....

March 24, 2022 Art Contest

PC - Polished Paragon Hotfix 5 - Feb 1, 2022

Hello Trovians, There's an incoming maintenance for PC platform scheduled for Tuesday, 1 February 2022 16:00. Downtime for PC is expected to be about 1 hour. Here is what will be done during this maintenance: The loot collector will no longer retain...

February 1, 2022 Patch

Future Chaos Chest rotations from accepted mods in the Crack the Court patch

The Crack the Court patch has arrived, along with this an update to the game client. With this update, the Trove team have indicated the following mods were accepted. We've extracted the following information from the client about future Chaos Chest rota...

March 24, 2021 Mods