Turbo Turkey
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Posts the Trove developers have made that mention "Turbo Turkey"
Posts the Trove developers have made that mention "Turbo Turkey"
Turkeytopia Edition
Avarem / Trove Forums
Preview: in U1-3, 33% in U4, and 50% in U5. * Turbo Turkey Mag Rider is now in the store Show
These notes are for tomorrow's downtime, see its current status here: http://forums.trovegame.com/showthre...14-7-00-AM-PST
* Turkeytopia is live!
* You can find Turkeytopia Mystery Boxes in the store and by adventuring. Shadow Arenas also drop them at a rate of 25% of the time in U1-3, 33% in U4, and 50% in U5.
* Turbo Turkey Mag Rider is now in the store for a limited time!
* Block Friday is here! For this week only all starter packs are 50% off!
* You no longer take damage in the metaforge
* Added shadercache for DirectX renderer - after the first launch, the game should load much faster now when in DirectX mode
* Fixed a bug in DirectX rendering that was causing FPS problems when rendering many players.
* Camera no longer clips through world when jumping
* Fixed an issue with the exit portal in the Corrupted Spires lair found in Neon City zones.
* Fixed bug with assault quests where NPCs often warp back to the totem and heal after stepping on a launchpad
* Added check box to toggle showing offline club members in the roster window.
* The Shadow Arena can now spawn Permafrost-themed and Candoria-themed events.
* Fixed a bug that could cause a temporary minor desync while using Sugar Crash.
* Fix some minor animation bugs
* A Candoria terraformer is now craftable at the Worldspring.
* Music blocks now play notes only for the player that triggered them
* Insta-grouper now animates when enabled or disabled
* You can now go to -75 energy up from -50
* You now must be mastery level 10 or above to use the Homeworld Heart
* You now craft 4 bombs up from 3.
* Dungeon blocks are now more resilient to bombs.
* Ore now spawns more frequently
* Now, only club officers and leaders can set spawn points with the Aligning Astrolabe. Also fixes bug where Aligning Astrolabe could be used in Hub and Adventure worlds.
* Clubs members are now automatically sorted by rank then name.
* Large friends lists now load much faster
* The Add button in the friends list now supports adding to the Ignore list.
* New Dragonfire Peaks lair from Walyn.