SS Draconic
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Posts the Trove developers have made that mention "SS Draconic"
Patch Notes - Dracocolatly Day - Sept 27, 2016
Mr. E / Trove Forums
Preview: > Top Chaos Chest loot this week is the SS Draconic Ship! Dr Show
Weekly Updates
- Event: From Sept 27 through Oct 3, all daily bonuses are active EVERY DAY!
- Sales: From Sept 27 through Oct 10 save 66% when buying extra rows of inventory directly from the inventory UI!
- Top Chaos Chest loot this week is the SS Draconic Ship!
- The new dragon mount designed by community member TeeKayM, Dracocolatl, the Mellower, is now available to craft!
- Players will need to locate Dracocolatl in the Candoria biome and defeat it to obtain Candorian Dragon Egg Fragments. Collect enough and you can craft this new dragon!
- Be careful, Dracocolatl is a BEAST, many Trovians died to get this information.
- This mount gives +5% health regeneration, +1000 maximum health and +50 magic find!
- Autumn has Arrived! The Autumn Piñatas are now on the store!
New Costume Packs
Upgrade your look with 3 new cosmetic packs! (Note that if you've already collected any item in the Pack, you will not be granted another)
- The Bossy Devil Look is for the demonic overlord in everyone.
- The Garden Livin' Look is bugtastic and fresh from the garden.
- The Soul Rancher Look... well, who doesn't sometimes want to experiment with undead soul reaping?
Community Created Content
- Three new Jurassic Jungle Lairs from stedms!
- New Jurassic Jungle swamp Dungeon from Screamheart!
Class Updates / Fixes
- The stun part of the Dino Tamer ultimate ability, 'Dino Mount' has been changed to be weaker when used in PvP
- Damage from the Neon Ninja empowered class gem ability, 'Heuristic Haxstar' should now stack correctly.
- Fixed the damage reduction of the Tomb Raiser ability, 'Banshee's Boon' to correctly reduce damage by 90% (the tooltip always said 90%, but the ability was previously only reducing by 75%).
- Corrected certain Revenant Class Gems descriptions to remove the incorrect statement "does not taunt". Aegis Assaulty taunts just fine, thank you very much.
- Adjusted the cooldown sound for the Ice Sage's gem power.
- Updated the description on the Beckon Banshee Tomb Raiser gems.
- Updated the description on the Lunar Luncer ability 'Lunacy' to reflect the actual reduced damage.
Additional Updates
- Added a "Collapse All"/"Expand All" button to the collections UI
- Expanded space in the Marketplace for a second line for the item name
- When splitting a stack of items, you can now press Enter instead of having to click Move.
- The Omni Recipe item now unlocks the White Die and Black Die recipes.
- In Collections, Marketplace search button now only appears on items that can be listed in the Marketplace.
- The charge up attack used by the tribal humanoids in the Jurassic Jungle should now hit for much less.
Bug Fixes
- The Archeoceratops should now drop the correct trophy.
- Removed some invisible plants in the canopy layer of Primal Preserve.
- Fixed a bug where the Dino Tamer didn't contribute to the weekly Total Power Rank contest.
- Anuran Trog Chiefs should now drop the proper trophy when defeated.
- The Style Surprise should now properly give styles from the Jurassic Jungle!
- Fix for a crash that could happen on start up.
- Corrected height placement of dungeons in metaforge. They now match the in-game dungeon height exactly.
- Fixed a bug where Patron Bonuses could apply twice in some situations.
- Fix bug in Character sheet where some abilities didn't display or it displayed a previous class's ability.
- Fix World chat channel being assigned to wrong numbered slot after changing worlds.
- Fixed a bug with the catalog generator.
- Club and Officer chests now show correct text when interacted with.
- Fixed a bug with the currency display on the Marketplace.
- Fixed the off-center icons in the Claims UI.
Edited patch notes on 9/27 to add the new costume packs.
Hotfix 4/2/15
Avarem / Trove Forums
* Fix for UI scaling
* Fix for Pirate Captain Doubloons spawning for everyone and not just the Captain
* Removed shadow lairs and group up lairs from treasure isles
* Broadened the range of times that fish can trigger
* Fixed bug where Dracolyte took damage while sailing in lava with the SS Draconic
Fish 'N' Ships Update
Morgana / Trove Forums
Preview: mmanding and Ghost Pirate costumes, and the SS Draconic and SS Dutchman. This replaces Show
Arriving on 3/31/15!
* Avast, ye scurvy landlubbers! A new class, the Pirate Captain, is now live!
* Seize the day and set sail! You must have both a ship and a sail equipped to travel.
* Press [G] to hop on your boat (must not be on land).
* All Ships have their own stats, and sails are purely cosmetic!
* The Treasure Isles now have adventuring lairs, dungeons, and deep ocean water.
* The merchants on pirate ships are now actual NPCs!
* Fishing is now live! Catch fish and deconstruct them for resources and to add them to your collection. Some fish can be hard to catch and require special conditions! Currently, fish can only be found in water and lava. Chocolate and plasma faring fish will make their appearance in a future update!
* There is now a merchant in the hub which sells the starter fishing pole, ship, and sails as well as fishing lures.
* The Pirate Pack is now live! This comes with the Pirate Captain class, both the Master of Commanding and Ghost Pirate costumes, and the SS Draconic and SS Dutchman. This replaces the Class Pack in the store.
* The SS Draconic is now in the store, this ship and sail allow you to travel on lava without taking damage!
* The SS Dutchman is now in the store, this ghostly ship and sail are more agile than most other Galleons.
* Chaos Chest has been randomized and has new rare loot to be discovered! It's a pinata party!
* Updated the store art for the Elysian Guardian and Bone Knight, thanks LippyLapras!
* The Cookiephant Adventurer’s Box no longer drops.
* The Eggster Adventurer's Box now has a chance of dropping from any enemy in the game! It will drop adventuring loot commonly and uncommonly, and rarely you will obtain one of two new mounts from it - the Chocolate Chicanery or the Eggster Bouncer! The chance on this dropping is slightly lower than the Cookiephant box was.
* Mastery rank now goes to 130.
* Mastery rank 120 gives a fishing pole and 130 is coming soon.
* Mastery rewards no longer give mastery points.
* Allies now give additional points depending on their rarity.
* Tooltips in the Collections window now show how many mastery points each collectable is worth.
* What was known in-game as Loyalty Points are now called Patron Points.
*Fixed an issue for people with 1000 Patron Points or more sometimes not getting their daily Chaos Chest.
* /stats now shows your total Patron Points.
* New stats are now tracked and shown on /stats – boxes opened, days logged in, and consecutive days logged in. These might be important in the future!
* Mounts now move slower when in water. Time to get in ship shape!
* Added tooltip to make it more clear that you're collecting a style as salvage when deconstructing equipment
* Fixed spacing between items in Collections window.
* Fixed a bug where players could get stuck in a mounted animation state after changing worlds and unequipping their mount.
* Fixed an occasional crash that could happen when aggroing an enemy.
* Fixed Invert Mouse axes options in the settings not taking effect immediately after changing them.
* Setting the window to "Windowed Fullscreen" will now go fullscreen on the monitor the game window is currently on.
* /joinme no longer displays invitations from ignored Players.
* Juggernaut and Lifesaver flasks have been removed from the collections UI until they can be added to the game.
* The Cryo-Storage lair in Neon City should now spawn correctly.
* Fixed a bug where dying while flying or in a boat caused other players to see you on the ground with wings or in a boat after respawning.
* We're working on our UI, in the meantime at some smaller window sizes the old UI will appear smaller. Adjust your resolution for now and the new UI will be coming in hot and fresh.
Community Content
* New Permafrost lair from Walyn.
* New Permafrost lair from Walyn.
* New Fae Wilds dungeon from Khastiel.
* New Permafrost lair from Khastiel.
* New Dragonfire Peaks dungeon from Knickedknacked.
* New Permafrost lair from Walyn.
* New Fae Wilds lair from Arnoxuz.
* New Permafrost lair from Qoaleth.