Trovesaurus PC

Official Trovesaurus Club, open to all members of our community.

A club on PC. Ranked #80/1582 by number of reported props.

Club Charter

The following is the club charter, which likely contains the rules of the club.


Trovesaurus is a resource and an aid for the Trove community. Similarly, the Trovesaurus club has two goals:

  • Provide players with a friendly, constructive environment in which to enjoy the game, support the site, and receive the benefits of being in an organized club
  • Enable Trovesaurus contributors to better communicate and coordinate in order to create content for the site


  • Discrimination, racism, sexism, etc. is absolutely prohibited and will result in immediate removal from the guild.
  • Keep club chat neutral. Avoid political and/or religious discussions. Stay away from profanity and vulgarity. Please don’t spam or use club chat for trade.
  • Don’t scam, cheat, or otherwise exploit or abuse game systems or players.
  • Don't beg for items.
  • Use common sense


  • Trovesaurus is about helping the community. Be a boon to the game; assist other players, both new and old.
  • Be kind and respectful to other players. Help the club develop a good reputation.
  • Support Trovesaurus, in-game and out!
  • If you take from the club or community chests, give back. Do not abuse it.
  • Don’t leech. Take time to resurrect dead players.


  • Inactive members will be removed after 60 days.


  • Violation of club rules or failure to abide by the member code of conduct will result in a warning. At the officers’ discretion, receiving another warning within a week, or having multiple warnings over the course of a month, will result in removal from the club.


  • At this time, only Trovesaurus staff are permitted to build in the club world.


If you want to join this club, the following information has been provided:

Message an officer to join the club.