Brotherhood Of The North PC

Brotherhood Of The North it's an international club. It is over 3 years old. so there are a lot of things to discover. the club is lvl 11. Me and my Staff put a lot of our time into the club. We do weekly Giveaways/ST's | We guide our member's to the best things we know and the newest information about the game. We have the best fixture's you need for farming or speedrunning or even staying afk all day Language ~ English | Scandinavian/Nordic (skandinavisk) Requirements ~ None

A club on PC. Ranked #60/1580 by number of reported props.

Member List

A list of 9 Trovesaurus users that have said they are part of Brotherhood Of The North.

Username Rank Options
Benjamin_ Leader
xSnap Officer
Kapluen Member
Serux99 Member
Amyxrr Unconfirmed
Macwizz2989 Unconfirmed
Sdrons Unconfirmed
Slayer39 Unconfirmed
WeresS Unconfirmed