paws and friends PC
A club on PC. Ranked #1162/1578 by number of reported props.
Club Charter
The following is the club charter, which likely contains the rules of the club.
We can kick or demote you for any reason.
Your stuff may be destroyed.
Higher ups have the higher say.
Stolen items will not be replaced.
If you are kicked you do not get your stuff back.
Strike System: Small crimes 3 strikes big crimes 2 strikes.
Small Crimes:
Breaking a small amount of nonvaluble blocks.
Stealing from chests.
Spam, harrasment, or begging.
Big Crimes:
Breaking a large amount of blocks or valube blocks.
Doxing or blackmail.
Inviting a banned user.
We sometimes kick inactive players so just ask to be let back.
We have a list of banned users so if you are not on it you can get back in.
If you want to join this club, the following information has been provided:
Go to our discord or message an officer.