Active farming/grinding clan and interested in builders.

A club on PC. Ranked #45/1582 by number of reported props.

Club Charter

The following is the club charter, which likely contains the rules of the club.

-Please don't spam.

-Don't grief.

-Don't be racist or be a dick or else you will be kicked.

-Respect all officers and above.

-Don't pretend to be a leader or try and be the boss of everyone

-Obey the President and Vice Presidents (Failure to do so will result in a punishment or kick)

-If you are a builder and grief you will be permanetly kicked/banned


If you want to join this club, the following information has been provided:

-Power rank has to be atleast 350

-You may use any class

-Mastery has to be atleast 16 - 20

-The level for any of your class has to be atleast 4