The Number One PC
Aktív Magyar Club
A club on PC. Ranked #624/1577 by number of reported props.
Club Charter
The following is the club charter, which likely contains the rules of the club.
Heti 360 Clubit adomány.
If you want to join this club, the following information has been provided:
Minden Aktív játékost szeretettel várunk. Jelenleg LvL 9.
+15% Sebzés (LvL3)
+10%Critical Hit, +100% Critical Damage (LvL3)
+15% Damage Red. (LvL3)
+Club Merchant (LvL3)
+5 Jump, 4*Chance for Rare Talismans (LvL3)
+100/ Health (LvL3)
-20% Upgrade Cost (Gems), 3* Chance for Gembox drop. (LvL3)