Mid to Endgame club. Always happy to see new and active members (15k+ only)

A club on PC. Ranked #847/1577 by number of reported props.

Club Charter

The following is the club charter, which likely contains the rules of the club.

Rules for the club and Discord:


1. No racism

2. Chat language should always be English

3. No spamming

4. No begging of any kind

5. No invasion of privacy

6. No bullying

7. No links to harmful content of any kind.

8. Staff may kick you or mute you for any reason they deem worthy!


If you want to join this club, the following information has been provided:

-Be at least 15´000 Pr (If you arent 15k yet please wait until you meet the requiremnts before you ask to join the club)

-Whisper MGU, M22_ , W_H_I_T_E or Strenqth ingame and say that you want to join the club and your current PR

- Your PR will be checked by inviting you to the clubworld and checking your PR sigil