4D Realms PC

A club on PC. Ranked #497/1580 by number of reported props.


Members 5 Entry managed by Dagget10


If you want to join this club, the following information has been provided:

3 Ways to join:

1 - Trovesaurus (Slowest way and unreliable)

  1. Join the club here.
  2. Wait for us to get to you.

2 - Discord (Fastest way)

  1. Join our Discord server.
  2. Give your IGN in #recruiting
  3. Wait for us to get to you.

3 - Trove Whisper (Unreliable)

  1. Whisper a leader/officer
  2. Hope they are online and not in /dnd.
  3. ???
  4. Profit, you know, maybe. This is literally the worst possible way to do it.