Fishers Anonymous PS4NA

Fishing and Streaming

A club on PS4NA. Ranked #25/80 by number of reported props.

Club Charter

The following is the club charter, which likely contains the rules of the club.

The rules are typical...


Don't be disrespectful to anyone

Don't spam the chat with anything

Don't ask for officer at anytime

Don't beg anyone for anything at anytime


Sometimes we make jokes or get carried away from time to time, we are just humans after all. Just be mindful you aren't hurting anyone's feelings or being insensitive, avoid breaking the profanity filter as not everyone enjoys such colourful language, and just don't be a jerk in general. This is a game for everyone and we should do what we can to make sure everyone can enjoy it.


Nobody likes when the chat box is filled with nonsense. It's ok to sell things, but don't over do it. There is no need to repeat yourself over and over again. Sometimes people are busy, not paying attention to chat, maybe AFK, or in my case streaming. Give it some time and try to say what you want again or maybe find another way to get the attention you seek.


Officer isn't a reward, it's a responsibility. If you have to ask, you probably don't need it. I choose who gets to help me by noticing who is actually helping. It's arbitrary and I tend to choose my close friends over anyone else. There is a way you can get promoted to architect if you really want to build something, but you don't need the keys to the city to do it.


It's one thing to ask for a little bit of help, we all need it from time to time. It's another when you constantly ask and beg for stuff. We all have to grind just as hard as you, and it's really annoying when someone castantly ask you for something. Just keep on playing and you'll get what you need... don't expect any handouts. Maybe if you are lucky enough you can catch the rare club giveaways or join DJDamion on Twitch for a chance to win some freebies.


There are some more small rules, but you can check them out near spawn.


If you want to join this club, the following information has been provided:

If you would like to join our club, /w DJDamion and let me know you want in. We accept everyone and hope you enjoy hanging out!