NerdRage PC

We are an alpha club that has been out there for years and we

A club on PC. Ranked #61/1581 by number of reported props.

Club Charter

The following is the club charter, which likely contains the rules of the club.

Welcome to NerdRage, we hope you'll have a pleasant stay with us and to be sure of that, let's read a bit shall we ? 
We have rules and they are pretty simple. We do not tolerate toxicity, any kind of racism or rudeness between members. If you do have a problem with someone in particular, reach out to a member of the staff and do not make it a drama.
Begging isn't allowed, if you actually need something you just ask kindly and if someone can give it to you, you'll get help. Otherwise, spamming won't make it any better.
If you need some help for a shadow tower or a simple dungeon, please do ask before inviting someone because random invites aren't allowed.
You'll see that out club chest is always full of items, so please don't steal everything because it will end up in an instant kick. You take what you need for your mastery and if you do think you're taking too much, just ask an officer if it's ok to take it, it's as easy as that.
Do you want a promotion ? Why not, just do not ask for one, you'll be getting promoted if you're an active and helping player. Promotions are often discussed with the staff so don't worry.
When you are invited in a shadow tower by a member, first of all, you do no start it, you let the host start it and if you want to invite someone do ask the host if it's allowed, especially if your friend isn't in the club. Keep in mind that carries (that often happen Monday are « club only »)
Last thing, pinata parties are hosted every Friday by officers and members, you can bring pinatas or pods or just enjoy the party but beware, if you start it before everybody is there, a nice kick is waiting for you, we do not laugh with that. Fun is altogether, not alone.


If you want to join this club, the following information has been provided:

Join our Official NerdRage Discord and verify your Trove username in #ign-verification, a NerdRage staff-member will get back to you as soon as possible