
The Revenant is an oathbound spirit that protects the Sun Goddess's domain. A Spirit Wraith watches over you, saving you from death and joining the fight if it is able, so lure foes to you with a Bulwark Bash and destroy them with Spirit Spears and Spirit Storm.


Vengeful Spirits

Basic attacks return a small amount of health, and a Spirit Wraith will spawn to protect you from death, empowering you until it can do so again.


Spirit Storm

A cyclone pulls foes toward the Revenant and randomly fires exploding spirit blasts, which heal players and damage enemies. Costs health to use. Press again to cancel.


Bulwark Bash

Damages and briefly taunts all enemies in a cone in front of the Revenant.


Bulwark Bash

Damages and briefly taunts all enemies in a cone in front of the Revenant.


Spirit Spears

Damages enemies in a cone in front of the Revenant. Costs health to use, and deals damage based on Maximum Health.


Aegis Assault

Empowered Water Gem for the Revenant. Bulwark Bash loses its cooldown and applies a stacking damage-over-time effect to damaged enemies. DoT effect does not leech health. Only one such Gem may be socketed at a time.