The Gunslinger is an eagle-eyed ranged fighter who blasts enemies with dual pistols. Light up your foes with a well-aimed charged shot, then use your ultimate to gun them down in a hail of energy bullets.
Posts the Trove developers have made that mention "Gunslinger"
Preview: here is a Knight and King, but no Queen? There is gunslinger and a host of other Qubselys that are m Show
Hey there,
The vast majority of our decorations are created by the community. If there are specific types of items you'd like to see we have a great community of creators on our Trove Creations subreddit. There are guides that can help you get into creating your own decorations for us to consider for the game. You can also make suggestions and see if the creators want to incorporate your ideas into their future designs.
Feel free to keep suggestions coming here as well since many of our creators are active on the forums as well. We strive for a balance and we'd love to see additional options available as well.
Make sure to report bugs on our Bug Report forum, if you don't already find it there. Even if it isn't a bug, this will allow us to investigate and provide more info on specific mechanics. The...
Preview: > Frost-covered dungeon, Gunslinger does not fear you. I’ Show
All right! This was not easy at all. I've picked the winners for this first Trove haiku contest. A few things to keep in mind:
- We'll have lots of contests throughout the rest of the year. Some will require creativity, some will focus on in game skills (like building) and others will be code giveaways on social media. Make sure you're following us on Twitter, liking us on Facebook, and subscribed to us on YouTube.
- I couldn't narrow it down to 10 winners, so we're going to have more than that.
- My first run through had 42 players from our forums alone, not counting Steam and Twitter entries. I just had to scale it back at that point.
- Not everyone could win. If your image was not viewable or your haiku failed to meet the 5-7-5 syllable format, you weren't selected. If you had a link that worked, you were definitely in the running (and a few of you have been selected).
- Everyone did great, and I continue to be floored by how talented all of you are.
Now, for the Trove Carpets (these are entries on our forums with the number of the forum post included for easier tracking in cases where more than one entry was made.):
Gaeden 8
LordSithis 13
Vorus 30
VoxelDragon 47
Ixion 53
Milkshakeasdfghjkl 56
Tzunami 63
Vom 107
Frazmathian 112
Madventurer 120
Aeken 134
mikmik1000 142
The forum winner of the Grand Prize Prehistoric Pack is:
WizardGirl3 117
Click here to see the winning entries from Steam.
Thanks so much to everyone!
It’s time to flex those creativity muscles once again! You may be asking how a Trove screenshot haiku contest works, and I’m glad to hear it, because I’m about to explain.
- Take a screenshot anywhere in Trove.
- Write a haiku that fits with the screenshot. To count as a haiku in this context you just need to work with the 5 syllables, 7 syllables, 5 syllables format.
- Post your image and haiku on this forum thread or tweet it to us with the hashtag #TroveHaiku before 10AM PDT on September 5, 2016.
- We’ll pick ten winners from all the entries.
- 9 winners will get a Trove Carpet mount
- 1 winner will receive the Grand Prize Prehistoric Pack
Here’s an example:
Epic mount of mine,
Laser mounted on your face.
Pew pew undead fiends.
Here’s a second example, just for funsies.
Frost-covered dungeon,
Gunslinger does not fear you.
I’ll put you on ice!
So, get those screenshots, write up some haiku, and send them in! We can’t wait to see what you come up with!
Everyone here should be good to go now. Azamyth, let me know what you are missing so I can check it out.
What are you missing?
You should both be good to go now.
Hey there, The current issue with these specific missing classes wouldn't have any impact on class levels or items in collections, so make sure to reach out to support for help with those things....
Ask your friend to submit a ticket.
You're all set now. Thanks!
Submit a ticket so the support team can look into this for you.
We continue to work on addressing this outside of this forum thread, but as of right now, everyone here should have their classes.
You're okay now. You may need to close Trove and open it again.
Hey there,
You should be all set. Anyone else with this issue should post in this thread.
They are back now. Close Trove and open it again, if you don't see them. Post in this thread if you have any other questions about missing classes.
If anyone else is having this issue, post to this thread for me.