Bards embellish with relish, singing their song to assist their allies' abilities and enfeeble their enemies. Unleash a mighty kabong with your lute fist or cultivate a crowd with your cadence - playing to perfection powers your percussion.
Bard Art
Featured Art Comments:
Yeah! Keep on rocking! :)
- Trove Team
Good job on this entry, I love the colours used, the purples and the gold bits on the cape. I also really like the sound VFX around the hand, and the great Trovian expression :)
- Trovesaurus
Featured Art Comments:
Song able to calm a dragon surely must be as beautiful as this art <3
This is a really cute scene, love the curled up dragon :)
- Trovesaurus
Featured Art Comments:
Aah cute little chicken and friend listening to bard play, is lovely <3
- Trovesaurus