Notes: Good for Levi’s too
Knight Subclass
Stat Priority
Notes: Focusing on gem effects that go along with max health
Ally and Flasks
- 300 Light
- 20.0% Физический Урон
Gain 15% health when a nearby enemy dies.
Вы получаете 15% к здоровью и скорости передвижения, когда рядом погибает враг
Восстанавливает 30% здоровья при использовании
Восстанавливает всю затраченную энергию
Empowered Gems
Focusing on maxing out the damage over time effects with Gems while using max health to increase dmg and tank with abilities
Prismatic Link Class Gem
Prismatic blast will now pulse around the Phoenix as well as the Solarion, allowing the Solarion to maintain range while attacking, and deal AOE damage around their Phoenix.
Spirit Surge
Taking damage has a chance to spawn a ring of projectiles, applying damage-over-time to enemies based on your max health.
This gem has a cooldown.
Stinging Curse
Dealing damage applies damage-over-time effects to enemies.
Berserk Battler Cosmic Gem
Damaging enemies causes a frenzied state, adding a small increase to attack speed and Light.
Continued damage to enemies extends the frenzied state until it causes a berserk state, greatly increasing attack speed and Light.