Solarion AS/DPS
This build was updated for
Sunrise Hotfix 2
Quick personal build for Solarion. Edited to have Zealous emblem as it is too good to not be used on the class. Knight subclass for extra flasks. We will be drinking a lot of those.
Knight Subclass
Stat Priority

Ally and Flasks
- 300 Light
- 20.0% Физический Урон
Сокращает время восстановления на 25%
Jingles will add some extra cooldown recovery speed for Guiding Light [1] .
Восстанавливает 30% здоровья при использовании
DD Vial is a good default flask but since you will be manually using them already, you can opt to use something like Conjurer's Crucible Vial to regain charges from magic find triggers.
You can alternatively swap out Martial emblem for Chromatic since you will be using your flask to keep Prismatic Blast [2] up as long as needed. This will allow you to use Guiding Light [1] more for extra damage over time.
Восстанавливает всю затраченную энергию
Empowered Gems
Explosive Epilogue
Killing enemies causes them to explode.
\n\nThis gem has a cooldown.
Prismatic Link Class Gem
Prismatic blast will now pulse around the Phoenix as well as the Solarion, allowing the Solarion to maintain range while attacking, and deal AOE damage around their Phoenix.
Killing an enemy has a chance to generate a flaming disc that damages nearby enemies.
This gem has a cooldown.
Berserk Battler Cosmic Gem
Damaging enemies causes a frenzied state, adding a small increase to attack speed and Light.
Continued damage to enemies extends the frenzied state until it causes a berserk state, greatly increasing attack speed and Light.