Kukui's Knight's Build
This build was updated for
January 9, 2017
Knight's stats build from Kukui's Class Guide with Empowered Gems from Underrated54's guide.
Stat Priority
Notes: Stat 3 of Face calls for Damage OR HP%
Ring calls for Crit Hit or Jump
Ally and Flasks
- 20.0% Физический Урон
Gain 15% health when a nearby enemy dies.
Вы получаете 15% к здоровью и скорости передвижения, когда рядом погибает враг
Восстанавливает 30% здоровья при использовании
You can swap out Surestrike for Chaos if you wish.
+20% Шанс Критического Удара на 10 секунд
Empowered Gems
Focus on Crit and Physical.
Spirit Squire Class Gem
Charge no longer propels you forward.
Instead, a Spirit Squire charges forward through multiple enemies, dealing damage and stunning them.
Spirit Surge
Taking damage has a chance to spawn a ring of projectiles, applying damage-over-time to enemies based on your max health.
This gem has a cooldown.
Explosive Epilogue
Killing enemies causes them to explode.
\n\nThis gem has a cooldown.