Speed Farming
build by Crackalackin
added 8 years ago.
This build was updated for
January 9, 2017
A way to build Revenant to speed run 1 and 3 star dungeons. It can pull decent dps in shadow tower, but tanking for substantial lengths of time is unwise.
Stat Priority
Notes: To a degree, these stats are interchangeable. My Revenant sits around 300k hp, 40% crit, and 30k pd, and clears uber 8 dungeons in a handful of seconds. Without the class gem, the clears can take a bit longer, but it's still a quick build.

Notes: Magic find, crit chance, or jump are all suitable on the ring. If you have jump in this slot, then crit chance can be subbed onto your weapon in lieu of the jump stat.
Ally and Flasks
Восстанавливает 2.2% здоровья каждый раз, когда Вы наносите урон врагу
Go to ally is the prowling shadow. Between the ult (skill 2) and constant shield bashing/weaving basic attacks inbetween spear (skill 1) usage, this ally will keep you topped off the majority of the time. I haven't died once in uber 8 yet (it's PR is only 7k), but that's more than I can say for my candy barb. Rapt berserker can be used instead for some extra punch, but I prefer the life steal from the shadow, especially for shadow tower. (The prowling shadow turns your ult into a continuous heal for several seconds.
Восстанавливает 40% здоровья при использовании
With the crit rating from gems and and the flask proc, your vial will only rarely run out before your inventory if full of loot. After hitting 30% crit (which jumps to 50% on flask usage), I haven't run out of flasks before returning to my cornerstone to collect the run's loot.
+20% Шанс Критического Удара на 10 секунд
Empowered Gems
As far as empowered gems go, the class gem is by far the most important consideration. It grants your shield bash a much reduced cooldown, and gives you a strong attack without risking your health pool.
Aegis Assault Class Gem
Bulwark Bash loses its cooldown and applies a stacking damage-over-time effect to damaged enemies.
DoT effect does not leech health.
Explosive Epilogue
Killing enemies causes them to explode.
\n\nThis gem has a cooldown.
Mired Mojo
Taking damage has a chance to spawn a ring of snaring projectiles, reducing enemy Movement Speed.
This gem has a cooldown.
Rule #1: Remember to balance your stats.
Rule #2: Regeneration is trash. (at least for now) Try to avoid it on as many of your gems as possible.
At a similar PR as my candy barb (who has nearly 20k more PD), this Revenant build moves as quickly through dungeons (faster in some cases) as that class but has the added incentive of a automatic death defying ability with a decently short cooldown. Give it a try if you like. I've found that the Revenant is a fun, albeit clicky, farming class.