Ice Sage - Delves Update

Ice Sage build by Chocolegit added 5 years ago.

This build was updated for

This is my Ice Sage build for Delves. It is not great at farming, as it has very low Movement Speed. This is a raw damage build, for highest DPS possible, while still being able to survive deep Delves.


Stat Priority

Magic Damage
Critical Damage
Attack Speed
Energy Regeneration

Notes: Light is your most important stat. Make sure you have all of your light stats on your cosmic gems maxed, and boosted. Magic Damage will give the highest coefficient, so this is your top priority for DPS. Critical Damage comes in second, adding the next most to your coefficient. Next up is Attack Speed. With Attack Speed, and running the Class Gem, you will be getting more procs of Pain Freeze which means higher DPS.

Max Health
Attack Speed
Magic Find
Critical Damage
Magic Damage
Attack Speed
Magic Find
Critical Damage
Max Health
Critical Damage
Magic Damage
Attack Speed
Magic Damage
Energy Regeneration

Notes: You want Crystal Equipment, so the second stat is always going to be light, followed by the last three stats.

Ally and Flasks



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Puck is your best bet here. Decreasing the cooldown of your ultimate is just too good to pass up.



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We take Arcane and Chronomantic here to get a massive buff to our Magic Damage, and Cooldown on our Ultimate, which will give more damage, and attack speed.

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Empowered Gems

Stinging Curse - Over the course of long fights this is fantastic DPS.
Cubic Curtain - This is for survivability in harder Delves.
Pain Freeze - The damage from your class gem is incredible when paired with Attack Speed
Berserk Battler - We use this specifically for the 750 Light boost we get when it procs. There is no better gem for Delves.

Stinging Curse

Dealing damage applies damage-over-time effects to enemies.

Cubic Curtain

Avoiding damage grants a protective shield, absorbing the next attack and stunning the attacker.

Pain Freeze Class Gem

Basic Attacks now freeze enemies for 1 second on the first hit, in addition to their existing chill.

Hitting enemies three times in a row with Basic Attacks causes them to explode, taking additional damage.

Berserk Battler Cosmic Gem

Damaging enemies causes a frenzied state, adding a small increase to attack speed and Light.

Continued damage to enemies extends the frenzied state until it causes a berserk state, greatly increasing attack speed and Light.


You want to be spamming M1 and M2 and using your 1 and 2 on CD. Use Flasks to keep Arcane Emblem active at all times, and reducing the Cooldown of Frozen Ward

Gems - Fire, Air, and Water(Lesser and Empowered): you want Magic Damage with two boosts, Critical Damage with one boost, and Critical Hit Chance with no boosts. If you find yourself over 100% Critical Hit Chance, you can reroll some of the Critical Hit Chance on your Gems to Maximum Health. For Cosmic Gems: you want Light with three boosts, Magic Damage with no boosts, and Critical Damage with no boosts.

Food - Freerange Electrolytic Crystals - Dropped from 115 + Delves

Banner - Enshadowed Torch of the Hive - Crafted with Enshadowed Tendril Torch from Leviathan u10, Banner Pole of the Arcane Way, Hive Standard, and 150 Inert Geode

Mount - Balelight Flyer - Obtained for 999 Inert Geode

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