Farming/Damage Lunar Lancer Build

Lunar Lancer build by Shreddah added 8 years ago.

This build was updated for
March 14, 2017 - St. Qubeslick's Day

This is in my opinion the best Farming and Damage Build for Lunar Lancer. It's mainly focussed on Damage and Speed, you could tweak it a bit to also run Shadow Towers a bit better.

Enjoy, leaving feedback and suggestions is appreciated!

FarmingDamageLevelingShadow Towers

Stat Priority

Physical Damage
Critical Damage
Critical Hit
Magic Find

Notes: Also focus on Energy Regen since we need this to spam it's ''1'' ability, we also need Movement Speed for faster farming.

Max Health
Critical Damage
Magic Find
Movement Speed
Physical Damage
Critical Damage
Critical Chance
Movement Speed
Max Health
Critical Damage
Physical Damage
Movement Speed
Physical Damage
Energy Regeneration

Notes: In Shadow Towers put Energy Regen on your Spear and for farming put Movement Speed on your Spear.
You could also take Jump instead of Critical Hit for farming if you don't have enough base jumps.
For the ring you could either go for Physical Damage / Magic Find or Physical Damage / Critical Hit, but this is opinion based, the best for farming would be Energy Regen or Magic Find, but this last option only if you've got a high Magic Find already and want a bit more.

Ally and Flasks

You could also use Shock or Cotton Candy to crick up your Magic Find a bit while farming but make sure you use Rapt Berserker in Shadow Towers.



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You could also go for Conjurer's Crucible Vial if you've got a high Magic Find and if you can manually use your Vials.
If you don't have enough Critical Hit you could also go for Surestrike and Martial Emblems.

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Empowered Gems

Shadow Lancer Class Gem

Basic attacks have a chance to spawn a dark shadow version of you that attacks enemies.

In Lunarform the chance is increased.


Killing an enemy has a chance to generate a flaming disc that damages nearby enemies.

This gem has a cooldown.

Explosive Epilogue

Killing enemies causes them to explode.

\n\nThis gem has a cooldown.

Comments and Likes Comments 4

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RavenDaBoss there can be more than 4 stats on items

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Hey im a beginner and I would know which sub-class I should take. I actually use Candy Barbarian but someone said me that attack speed was pretty useless on this build. Plz help

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What kind of stats should the gems have?

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how do you build up some passive jump without affecting this loadout


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