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Dino Tamer build by Epoch86 added 6 years ago.

This build was updated for
Spring Cleaning 2019

This is the build that I use for doing everything. I'm not an expert at this but this is what I use and it works for me. Play around with the stats until it works for you. I have a lot of Jump and Movement Speed so that I can Farm Dungeons, and since my playstyle for Shadow Towers is to stay in the air, this build also works for me there.

Shadow TowersFarmingDamage

Pirate Captain Subclass

Naval Gunfire - Damaging an enemy has a chance to call a cannon ball from the sky.

Stat Priority

Magic Damage
Critical Hit
Critical Damage
Attack Speed

Max Health
Attack Speed
Magic Find
Movement Speed
Magic Damage
Attack Speed
Movement Speed
Max Health
Attack Speed
Magic Damage
Movement Speed
Magic Damage

Notes: The ring can be swapped out for Magic Find if you don't want the jumps.

Ally and Flasks

Machtrang 75


Reduziert die Abklingzeit um 25 %.

Manipuliert Raum und Zeit und stammt aus einem uns ganz unbekannten Reich.
50 Beherrschungspunkte

Chronomancer Qubesly can be swapped out for Prefect Penguin if you want more movement speed for farming, or you can choose Prowling Shadow for more survivability.

Machtrang 50


Stellt bei Verwendung 30 % Gesundheit wieder her.

Wird automatisch bei niedriger Gesundheit verwendet. Kann mit Cubits oder Credits im Shop gekauft werden.
25 Beherrschungspunkte

Flask can also be Conjurer's Crucible Vial if you want. I use Death-Defying so I don't have to worry about my health. Evil Eye Emblem can be swapped with Trailblazing if you want more movement speed for farming.

Machtrang 50
Kann mit Cubits oder Credits im Shop gekauft werden.
25 Beherrschungspunkte
Machtrang 50
Kann bei einem Mirakelkrämer mit Wunderfragmenten erstanden werden.
25 Beherrschungspunkte

Empowered Gems

Magic Damage/Crit Damage/Crit Hit should be on all gems except Cosmic. Cosmic should have Magic Damage and Crit Damage. If you get to 100% Crit Hit, reroll the lowest Crit Hit to Max Health or Max Health %.
You can use Vampirian Vanquisher Emp Cosmic Gem if you want more survivability.

Dino Time Class Gem

Increases the duration of the ultimate ability, 'Summon Dino Mount.

' Increases the attack speed of the ultimate ability, 'Acid Spit Projectile.


Killing an enemy has a chance to generate a flaming disc that damages nearby enemies.

This gem has a cooldown.

Explosive Epilogue

Killing enemies causes them to explode.

\n\nThis gem has a cooldown.

Berserk Battler Cosmic Gem

Damaging enemies causes a frenzied state, adding a small increase to attack speed and Light.

Continued damage to enemies extends the frenzied state until it causes a berserk state, greatly increasing attack speed and Light.






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