AngeloTarog's Knight Build
build by AngeloTarog
added 6 years ago.
This build was updated for
Going Green
Hi Guys I use a 29k Knight In Game and my IGN is "AngeloTarog" you can add me for more info on using knight ^^
Notes: You can build knight either of the 3, 3:Class Gem Build( you're gonna spam your cg ability and use only PD/CH/CD stats and focus on it) 2:Berserk Knight( This is my 2nd top choice build only PD/CH/CD and add AS until u got 190% base attack speed ;) ) my top 1 choice is: 1: Tank Knight( This is the best build in the game especially when facing Ultra Mode Daughter Of The Moon which is called UM DOTM, if your teammates don't have any tanks use knight and build only HP% HP and HR and some PD u wont need CH or CD here, so your teammates wont die easily like GS and VG that can be easily 1shoted :) )
Candy Barbarian Subclass
Stat Priority
Notes: You can also build attackspeed if u are a berserk knight class using a berserk emblem. or build PD/CH/CD on gems and gears and on your ring to maximize damage on your class gem ability

Notes: I use all Hp% and HR so i can be tanky and cant be 1hited that easily :D
Ally and Flasks
- 20.0% Physical Damage
Increases cooldown recovery speed by 10%.
Damaging enemies has a chance to blast them with fire.
Rapt Berserk for CG build and Berserk Knight build.For Tanking use GHD that can be obtained through 5 Golden Hoard Souls from Luxion.
I prefre DDV(Death-Defying Vial) so you wont get 1hited by enemies or if u want to spam ur class gem you can use Elysian Bandolier :D
Empowered Gems
I use Empyrean Barrier cause i build knight for Tanking in UM DOTM if u want to build attackspeed use Berserk Battler. <3
Spirit Squire Class Gem
Charge no longer propels you forward.
Instead, a Spirit Squire charges forward through multiple enemies, dealing damage and stunning them.
Cubic Curtain
Avoiding damage grants a protective shield, absorbing the next attack and stunning the attacker.
Mired Mojo
Taking damage has a chance to spawn a ring of snaring projectiles, reducing enemy Movement Speed.
This gem has a cooldown.
Empyrean Barrier Cosmic Gem
Periodically applies a shield that reduces incoming damage.
When the shield is destroyed it will explode, damaging nearby enemies.
This gem has a cooldown.