Proficient Boomer

Boomeranger build by setk added 8 years ago.

This build was updated for
January 9, 2017

This build gives you an infinite amount of potions, which means no stopping while farming, as well as the best DPS in shadow towers. Only drawback is the vial used in this build is rather pricey for newer players.

FarmingShadow TowersDamage

Stat Priority

Physical Damage
Attack Speed
Critical Hit
Maximum Health

Max Health
Attack Speed
% Max Health
Critical Damage
Physical Damage
Attack Speed
Critical Chance
Critical Damage
Max Health
Attack Speed
% Max Health
Critical Damage
Physical Damage
Critical Chance

Notes: Face stat 3 can be PD, but its a low amount, and MH% is good for surviving.

Ally and Flasks

Rg de pouvoir 75


Fait gagner 15% de PV lorsqu'un ennemi meurt à proximité.

Fait gagner un boost de vitesse de déplacement lorsqu'un ennemi meurt à proximité

On le décrit souvent comme un "requin de terre manieur de hache".
50 points de maîtrise
Rg de pouvoir 50


Restaure 50% des PV à l'utilisation

Déclenche l'effet de soin de votre flasque et vos emblèmes lorsque vous exécutez votre capacité ultime.
25 points de maîtrise

If you need to be an off tank, vampiric instead of martial.

Rg de pouvoir 50
Peut s'acheter contre des Cubits ou des crédits dans la Boutique.
25 points de maîtrise
Rg de pouvoir 50
Peut s'acheter contre des Cubits ou des crédits dans la Boutique.
25 points de maîtrise

Empowered Gems

Bawk-Bomb Class Gem

Big and Tiny Bombs become a Bawk-Bombs.

These spawns chickens that attack enemies for a brief duration.


Killing an enemy has a chance to generate a flaming disc that damages nearby enemies.

This gem has a cooldown.

Explosive Epilogue

Killing enemies causes them to explode.

\n\nThis gem has a cooldown.

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I would honestly take death defying, so you don't have to worry about clicking the flask button while tanking

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Never seen that ally or flask before but ill check it out thanks


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