Captain Of Trove
Pirate Captain
build by Yopplay
added 8 years ago.
This build was updated for
Bomber Royale - Season 2
The Pirate Captain is a ranged DPS Class that hails from the Treasure Isle biome. The Pirate captain Provides solid DPS, an area of effect capabilities and a mob taunter, making for a good farmer and Shadow tower character. The Pirate Captains passive (Plunderbuss) provides a Doubloon for every enemy hit by the Pirates Captains basic attack and their explosive decoy. Plunderbuss gives the Pirate Captain a new energy system removing the need for Energy regen. Instead, for every Doubloon picked up, 10 energy is given. The Pirate Captain's basic attack does 200% of their magic damage in a 6 block cone in front. The basic attack does not count as a projectile and can hit multiple enemies. The Pirate Captain's First ability, First Mate, is a throwable turret that has three stages and a range of 14 blocks. To upgrade from each stage, 3 Doubloons is required until the final stage where all doubloons go towards your energy. Character attack speed does not affect the turrets attack speed. The initial stage, the turret does 140% of your magic damage per shot. The second stage raises the damage to 720% and visually gives the turret 1 singular shield. The Final stage doubles the attack speed. The turret will last 10 seconds from the last Doubloon picked up, the timer is reset upon a Doubloon being picked up. The Pirate Captains second ability, Pretend pirate, is a throwable decoy that has a health of 3 hits and cost 64 energy to deploy. instead of health like a player, every attack dealt to the decoy does 1/3 of the decoys max health. The decoy has a taunt radius of 7 blocks and upon its defeat, explodes dealing 250% MD to enemies around it. Due to how the game works, the decoy can take more than 3 hits due to a slight cooldown, where between each window of damage it becomes invincible. The Pirate Captain's Ultimate ability, Man O' war, summons a cannon that shoots AOE shells everywhere. The turret has a range of 4.5 blocks, dealing 600% of your magic damage and lasting for 15 seconds. The Cooldown is 40 seconds.
DamageSupportShadow TowersFarming
Notes: The PIrate Captains Provides solid DPS, has one of, the highest burst Potential with his ultimate and his ability to spam it with cooldowns. The Pirate captain can be used to aggro bosses and Mobs with his Pretend Pirate, and deal with mobs with his great AOE capabilities.
Lunar Lancer Subclass
Stat Priority
Notes: Pirate Captain Deals magic damage, so as a DPS you're looking for stats to increase your potential to do damage. Magic damage increases your consistent damage, Crit damage increases your burst damage, as it multiplies the damage dealt by the value of your crit damage +1, but relies on chance. Crit hit increases your potential to crit. so more damage. Attack speed is just there to proc your passive faster and slightly increase your DPS. Attack speed is the only one worth changing to whatever you would want.

Notes: The % health on the hat can be replaced with jump if you want to switch your ring to MD/Crit hit, instead of MD/jump but this does make you squisher. In U9+ Content the change in health will have very minimal difference since your low health pool.
Ally and Flasks
- 20.0% Magischer Schaden
Prefect Penguin is generally good for farming and mobbing, as it provides 20% MD, 15% max health on kill and 30 movement speed on kill.
Chronomancer Qubesly is generally good for bossing and STs, since it lower the cooldown of your ultimate by 25% and still provides 20% MD.
If you're having trouble sustaining using a Prowling shadow/Samantha is a good alternative, as it provides 2.2% max health on hit; The Pirate Captain being a good AOE class, makes for a lot of sustain from the ally. The downside of these is that they provide no offence capabilities.
Stellt bei Verwendung 30 % Gesundheit wieder her.
Death Defying is a must for Pirate Captain in u9+ content as the small health pool will be drained quick from monster attacks. It is also useful for spam proccing Chronomatic Emblem.
Arcane Emblem is a must since it doubles your damage for 3 seconds.
Surestrike should be used when you have a low crit hit value, generally under 70%. it provides 20% crit hit for 10 seconds.
SureStrike can be replaced if you already have enough Crit Hit; it can be replaced with Chronomatic, for ultimate spam; Evil eye, for more minion and damage; Sorcerous servant, for more minion and slightly less damage but more AOE, or your personal favourite.
10 Sekunden lang +20% kritische Treffer
Empowered Gems
Unlike Other classes, Pirate Captain can function without its class gem, but it massively helps the damage output and should be used 99% of the time. Explosive Epilogue increases your damage potential and AOE ability as enemies now explode when killed. Cubic Curtain increases your survivability. Pyrodisc increases your damage potential and kiting potential, as the extra movement speed allows you to kite mobs, and the disc radius is slightly shorter than your basic attack range, dealing 275% of your MD, lasting 10 seconds.
For Cosmic Gems, Berserk Battler, Empyrean barrier and Vampirian Vanquisher are all good choices, each with own benefits, its a matter of preference for this.
As of the Geode Patch, I am uncertain if Stinging curse can still proc the Passive.
ARR-tillery Class Gem
Two First Mate cannons double your firepower.
Explosive Epilogue
Killing enemies causes them to explode.
\n\nThis gem has a cooldown.
Killing an enemy has a chance to generate a flaming disc that damages nearby enemies.
This gem has a cooldown.
Berserk Battler Cosmic Gem
Damaging enemies causes a frenzied state, adding a small increase to attack speed and Light.
Continued damage to enemies extends the frenzied state until it causes a berserk state, greatly increasing attack speed and Light.
DPS= Damage Per Second
AOE= Area Of Effect
This is all my personal preference on how to build the Pirate Captain and you should build the Captain to your own personal preference but do take note of the Pirate Captains weird kit.

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"Your class gem isn't as required as other classes..." the second mate is what makes PC have a decent DPS, its pretty important.

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