Minion Madness

Boomeranger build by Shirokiri added 8 years ago.

This build was updated for
January 9, 2017

This build is for the lover of chickens! For those who like to sit back and watch the enemy be bombarded by poultry in fowl play. Lead the hoard!


Notes: Fun build for a change of gameplay, lead a hoard of minions.

Stat Priority

Physical Damage
Critical Damage
Critical Hit
Maximum Health

Notes: With this build its best to make sure you have enough HP in your everyday fights while the minions handle the DPS and you support by loading more of them up.

Max Health
Critical Damage
% Max Health
Attack Speed
Physical Damage
Critical Damage
Critical Chance
Attack Speed
Max Health
Critical Damage
% Max Health
Attack Speed
Physical Damage
Magic Find

Notes: You can change the 3rd and 4th stats to magic find for farming or movement speed if you like swift movements depending on your gameplay choices.

Ally and Flasks

파워 랭크 75

적에게 피해를 줄 때마다 체력의 2.2%를 회복합니다.

50 마스터리 포인트

Samantha for healing purposes but if you need some more damage then the Raptor Berserker is ideal.

파워 랭크 50


플라스크 사용 시, 체력의 30%를 회복합니다.

전투용 병사를 소환하는 엠블럼의 효과를 두 배로 적용시킵니다.
25 마스터리 포인트

Master cheep over shadow shrike dependant on your mastery lvl.

파워 랭크 50
불가사의의 위버를 통해 불가사의한 조각으로 구매할 수 있습니다.
25 마스터리 포인트
파워 랭크 50
트로브 마스터리 랭크 160에 도달하면 얻을 수 있습니다.

Empowered Gems

The class gem Bawk-Bomb is the essential gem for the build, allowing you to always spawn 3 chickens. The others give a nice variety of DOT effects.

Bawk-Bomb Class Gem

Big and Tiny Bombs become a Bawk-Bombs.

These spawns chickens that attack enemies for a brief duration.

Stinging Curse

Dealing damage applies damage-over-time effects to enemies.


Taking damage has a chance to spawn a ring of stunning projectiles, briefly disabling affected enemies.

This gem has a cooldown.


The idea of this build is with your trusty bommerang, to keep the chickens spawning alongside your minions through the vials.

If the small RNG factor gives you chickens via your Ultimate ability then you have 6 including the class gem. Add into the equation 2 beamers and 2 master cheeps, you can have fun with 10 minions while you hack and slash yourself :)

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