Stat Priority
Magic Damage
Critical Hit
Attack Speed
Critical Damage

Max Health
Attack Speed
% Max Health
Critical Damage

Magic Damage
Attack Speed
Critical Chance
Energy Regen

Max Health
Critical Damage
Attack Speed

Magic Damage
Energy Regeneration
Ally and Flasks
パワーランク 50
Weaver of WondersからFragment of Wonderで購入されました。
Empowered Gems
Normal Gems focus on CH, MH, MD and CD
Cubic Curtain
Avoiding damage grants a protective shield, absorbing the next attack and stunning the attacker.
Killing an enemy has a chance to generate a flaming disc that damages nearby enemies.
This gem has a cooldown.
Pain Freeze Class Gem
Basic Attacks now freeze enemies for 1 second on the first hit, in addition to their existing chill.
Hitting enemies three times in a row with Basic Attacks causes them to explode, taking additional damage.