Shadow Hunter
build by 5w0rd
added 8 years ago.
This build was updated for
January 9, 2017
The Shadow hunter is one of the best combat classes. This build will help you get that DPS.
DamageShadow TowersSupport
Notes: pure damage is very important, plus its '1' ability stuns for support
Stat Priority
Notes: First 3 for Insanely high damage. MS for staying far from enemy's as SH is not a tank.
Notes: CH and CD, plus PD will be the 3 stats that will give you that DPS. I replaced CH for MH% on hat as it is not possible to get both CD and CH on it. Same for PD on face
Ally and Flasks
- 20.0% Fizikális Sebzés
Gain 15% health when a nearby enemy dies.
Nyereség 15 %-os egészségügyi és a mozgás sebesség növelése, ha egy közeli ellenség meghal
Damage will increase alot, plus secondary ability will heal you every time you kill a enemy, so great ally.
30% életet tölt vissza használatkor
Always death-defying. Martial and sure-strike for practical 1-shot
+20% Kritikus Ütés 10 másodpercig
Empowered Gems
SB is for SH class gem, will make the SH good as hell. EE gem for the extra damage, same for SC
Shadow Blitz Class Gem
Basic attack becomes a rapid-fire stream of arrows.
Explosive Epilogue
Killing enemies causes them to explode.
\n\nThis gem has a cooldown.
Stinging Curse
Dealing damage applies damage-over-time effects to enemies.
Before class gem SH will be ass so i reccommend a secondary class. REV, PC, CHLOR, BARB, or NN would be good classes to use. After class gem however, the SH will be one of your best classes. Hope i helped! :3