Kukui's Dino Tamer Build

Dino Tamer build by Mario583 added 8 years ago.

This build was updated for
January 9, 2017

Dino Tamer's stats build from Kukui's Class Guide with Empowered Gems from Underrated54's guide.


Stat Priority

Magic Damage
Critical Damage
Attack Speed
Critical Hit

Max Health
Critical Damage
% Max Health
Attack Speed
Magic Damage
Critical Damage
Critical Chance
Attack Speed
Max Health
Critical Damage
Magic Damage
Attack Speed
Magic Damage
Critical Chance

Notes: HP% can be swapped for Jump and Jump on ring.

Ally and Flasks

Rg de pouvoir 75


Réduit le délai de récupération de 25%

Il manipule l'espace et le temps depuis des contrées qui dépassent l'entendement des simples mortels.
50 points de maîtrise
Rg de pouvoir 50


Restaure 30% des PV à l'utilisation

Est automatiquement utilisée quand vos PV sont bas ! Peut s'acheter contre des Cubits ou des crédits dans la Boutique.
25 points de maîtrise

Choas maybe.

Rg de pouvoir 50

+20% aux coups critiques pendant 10 secondes

S'achète auprès d'un Tisseur de merveilles contre des fragments de merveilles.
25 points de maîtrise
Rg de pouvoir 50
Peut s'acheter contre des Cubits ou des crédits dans la Boutique.
25 points de maîtrise

Empowered Gems

Focus on Crit and Magic.

Dino Time Class Gem

Increases the duration of the ultimate ability, 'Summon Dino Mount.

' Increases the attack speed of the ultimate ability, 'Acid Spit Projectile.

Empowered Hunting Dart Class Gem

Changes the Hunting Dart from one dart to three.

Stinging Curse

Dealing damage applies damage-over-time effects to enemies.

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So what do we have now, for people who dont have the old class gem? i used spirit surge, but is there any better?

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this build is impossible XD (dino tamer has only the dino time Class gem the other one is fake xD)

Actually, if you would search on google (instead of being an idiot and just saying "FAKE XD"), it used to be in the test server but it got changed before the update going live.