Cursed ValeBiome

Found in Adventure Worlds starting at Elite difficulty (Power Rank 100). This biome is made up of abandoned houses, cursed tombs, and unsettling catacombs. It is a native homeland of the Tomb Raiser. Wildlife here known as "the wild death", you will meet skeletons, zombies and wraiths over here. Defeat enemies and complete quests here to obtain Undead styles and Cursed Vale deco recipes. The only place to obtain the [item=item/crafting/darksoul], one of the few biomes to collect [item=item/crafting/enchwood] from. During autumn events Pumpkin lairs full of [item=item/crafting/pumpkin] spawn here.

Biome Concept

Creepy, dim, and dangerous biome. Grass and trees are affected by the undead influence. Foes in these regions are nightmares, shambling monstrosities, decaying warriors, and other unsavory characters. 
Decoration items from this type of biome should be a bit on the macabre side. “Undead” versions of deco from the Wooded Highlands tend to work well here, as well as creepy bone objects or standard horror-movie props. Weapons from the Undead Hills should be fantasy-themed, but with a darker vibe than the Medieval Highlands.

Natural Blocks and decorations /wadd for Metaforge

Natural Blocks and Decorations Cursed Vale

  • /wadd placeable/block/natural/undeaddirt.binfab
  • /wadd placeable/block/natural/undeadgrass.binfab
  • /wadd placeable/block/natural/undeadstone.binfab

Found in extracted\prefabs\placeable\block\smalldeco

  • /wadd placeable/block/smalldeco/undead_grass.binfab
  • /wadd placeable/block/smalldeco/undead_skull.binfab


You can find a list of Cursed\Undead themed decorations over here.

Copy the path of an item and /wadd it in the Metaforge.

Example: /wadd placeable/deco/undead_urn

Biome Colors

Values come from Trove Developers and ingame items scanned by Trovesaurus Colour Tool

Used as Color RGB Hex
Cursed Grass 63, 72, 116 3F4874
Cursed Dirt 113, 108, 80 716C50
Cursed Stone 132, 129, 105 848169
Tree Foilage 94, 83, 123 5E537B
Tree Bark 71, 68, 79 47444F
Musroom Body 1 94, 70, 129 5E4681
Musroom Body 2 102, 80, 141 66508D
Musroom Body 3 124, 104, 182 7C68B6
Musroom Body 4 105, 154, 182 699AB6
Musroom Body 5 105, 181, 182 69B5B6
Musroom Spot 1 105, 182, 114 69B672
Musroom Spot 2 179, 247, 133 B3F785
Old Bone 1 162, 160, 129 A2A081
Old Bone 2 200, 195, 168 C8C3A8
Old Bone 3 216, 212, 189 D8D4BD
Death Knight Armor 1 32, 27, 30 201B1E
Death Knight Armor 2 34, 31, 34 221F22
Death Knight Armor 3 76, 64, 73 4C4049
Dark Bone 1 71, 71, 71 474747
Dark Bone 2 85, 85, 85 555555
Dark Bone 3 99, 97, 97 636161
Dark Bone 4  106, 106, 106 6A6A6A 
Red Eye  208, 21, 27 D0151D 
Green Eye 0, 255, 26 00FF1A