Forbidden SpiresBiome

Found in Adventure Worlds starting at lowest difficulty, but has dedicated world at Uber-6 difficulty (Power Rank 1200). Eastern-styled biome with flooded plains, bonsai trees and tall spires. Defeat enemies and complete quests here to obtain Forbidden Spires themed styles together with Forbidden Spires deco and framework recipes. The only biome to find [item=item/crafting/ore_cinnabar], [item=item/phoenixfeather] and [item=item/dragonscale_blue].

Biome Concept

Biome is themed around Eastern cultures. Ancient beings like Dragon Ogres, Fox Spirits and Terracotta Warriours roam these lands. 

Natural Blocks and decorations /wadd for Metaforge

Natural Blocks and Decoration Forbidden Spires

  • /wadd placeable/block/natural/forbiddendirt.binfab
  • /wadd placeable/block/natural/forbiddengrass.binfab

Found in extracted\prefabs\placeable\block\smalldeco

  • /wadd placeable/block/smalldeco/forbidden_grass_00.binfab
  • /wadd placeable/block/smalldeco/forbidden_reeds_00.binfab


You can find a list of Forbidden Spires themed decorations over here.

Copy the path of an item and /wadd it in the Metaforge.

Example: /wadd placeable/deco/spires_urn_porcelain_01

Biome Colors

Values come from Trove Developers and ingame items scanned by Trovesaurus Colour Tool


Used as Color RGB Hex
Spires Grass 1 42, 79, 37 2A4F25
Spires Grass 2 45, 81, 21 2D5115
Spires Grass 3 47, 93, 19 2F5D13
Spires Grass 4 51, 102, 19 336613
Spires Stone 1 111, 56, 18 6F3812
Spires Stone 2 183, 82, 29 B7521D
Spires Stone 3 210, 120, 44 D2782C
Spires Stone 4 208, 142, 81 D08E51
Spires Stone 5 212, 164, 116 D4A474
Tree Foliage 1 35, 74, 24 234A18
Tree Foliage 2 47, 78, 28 2F4E1C
Tree Bark 72, 49, 17 483111
Bamboo 1 75, 126, 29 4B7E1D
Bamboo 2 100, 139, 36 648B24
Reeds 205, 186, 138 CDBA8A
Bronze 1 173, 122, 56 AD7A38
Bronze 2 203, 144, 67 CB9043
Red Wood 1 164, 39, 28 A4271C
Red Wood 2 189, 42, 30 BD2A1E
Light Brown Wood 1 211, 162, 99 D3A263
Light Brown Wood 2 215, 172, 115 D7AC73
Rooftiles 1 47, 61, 68 2F3D44
Rooftiles 2 51, 68, 79 33444F
Paper 218, 212, 193 DAD4C1
Jade 22, 175, 68 16AF44
Clay 1 111, 56, 18 6F3812
Clay 2 183, 82, 29 B7521D
Clay 3 208, 150, 97 D09661
Cinnabar Dragon Ogre 1 110, 16, 16 6E1010
Cinnabar Dragon Ogre 2 171, 27, 27 AB1B1B
Amethyst Dragon Ogre 1 34, 27, 48 221B30
Amethyst Dragon Ogre 2 54, 38, 86 362656
Jade Dragon Ogre 1 33, 58, 58 213A3A
Jade Dragon Ogre 2 40, 92, 43 285C2B
Dragon Ogre Horn 1 188, 134, 57 BC8639
Dragon Ogre Horn 2 254, 207, 64 FECF40
Dragon Ogre Horn 3 201, 187, 157 C9BB9D
Sapphire Dragon Ogre 1 50, 40, 76 35284C
Sapphire Dragon Ogre 2 52, 113, 156 34719C
Sapphire Dragon Ogre 3 158, 49, 95 9E315F
Sapphire Dragon Ogre 4 146, 70, 115 924673
Sapphire Dragon Ogre 5 23, 233, 195 17E9C3