Dragonfire PeaksBiome
Found in Adventure Worlds starting at Uber-5 difficulty (Power Rank 900), native homeland of the Dracolyte. The Dragonfire Peaks are boiling over with danger, biome is a maze of molten canyons and valleys patrolled by fire beasts. Defeat enemies and complete quests here to obtain Dragon styles and Dragonfire deco recipes. [item=item/crafting/ore_fire] and [item=item/crafting/bones] are found in the biome.
Resources and Items found in the biome
- [item=item/crafting/warpseed] from grass and rocks
- [item=item/bomb] from grass and rocks
- [item=item/crafting/bones] from undead mobs and Bone Mounds
- [item=item/crafting/buggoo] from Lava Beetles and Magmitos
- [item=item/crafting/ore_common] from mining Shapestone veins
- [item=item/crafting/ore_fire] from mining Primordial Flame veins
Terrain and Sub-Biomes
Dragonfire Peaks doesnt have any distinct sub-biomes. Biome appears in Igneous Islands as Lava Flows (The Lava Seas). Terrain consists of lava mountains, volcanic fields and molten caves. Burning ashes floating in the air add to the feeling of constand danger and despair in this biome.