Peaceful HillsBiome
Found in Adventure Worlds starting at Novice difficulty (Power Rank 0). This biome is as peaceful as lands in Trove can be. No monsters spawn here (aside from Shadow invaders). No dungeons or lairs can be found here either, except for Sunflower lairs. Those lairs only spawn in this biome (at Elite difficulty - power rank 100 and higher) and contain unique resource - [item=item/crafting/bulb_sun]. Harvesting sunlight bulbs can rarely reward player with [item=item/dragon/egg/flora_notrade_fragment_new].
Biome Concept
Main purpose of this biome is to provide safe and peaceful environment for players to build their cornerstones and harvest Sunlight Bulbs. No weapons or recipes can drop in the biome.
Sunflower Lairs should contain around 100 sunlight bulbs and be a jump-puzzle type of lairs. They should not require multijump\wings\bombing, however it is acceptable if those make harvesting easier. Shape of lairs should be somwhat botanical, greenhouses, hanging gardens, something that would read as Sunlight Bulb Lair from afar, like the ones in game do. Sunlight bulb lairs do no need any monsters\boss spawns but they do need variations like all other lairs and dungeons do.
Natural Blocks and decorations /wadd for Metaforge
- /wadd placeable/block/natural/peacefuldirt.binfab
- /wadd placeable/block/natural/peacefulgrass.binfab
- /wadd placeable/block/natural/peacefulstone.binfab
Found in extracted\prefabs\placeable\block\smalldeco
- /wadd placeable/block/smalldeco/highlands_grass.binfab
- /wadd placeable/block/smalldeco/highlands_flowers_04.binfab
Found in extracted\prefabs\plant
- /wadd prefabs/plant/bulb_sun.binfab
- /wadd prefabs/plant/peaceful_sunshrine.binfab
Biome Colors
Values come from Trove Developers and ingame items scanned by Trovesaurus Colour Tool
Used as | Color | RGB | Hex |
Peaceful Grass | 142, 133, 4 | 8E8504 | |
Peaceful Dirt | 45, 38, 24 | 2D2618 | |
Peaceful Stone | 73, 79, 77 | 494F4D | |
Rocks 1 | 57, 55, 47 | 39372F | |
Rocks 2 | 60, 57, 50 | 3C3932 | |
Rocks 3 | 66, 63, 54 | 423F36 | |
Tree Bark 1 | 42, 37, 32 | 2A2520 | |
Tree Bark 2 | 49, 41, 33 | 312921 | |
Tree Bark 3 | 55, 46, 37 | 372E25 | |
Green Foliage | 72, 100, 32 | 486420 | |
Yellow Foliage | 202, 184, 65 | CAB841 | |
Orange Foliage | 170, 89, 18 | AA5912 | |
Red Foliage | 76, 7, 7 | 4C0707 | |
Snow | 255, 255, 255 | FFFFFF | |
Sunlight Bulb 1 | 31, 75, 25 | 1F4B19 | |
Sunlight Bulb 2 | 183, 185, 48 | B7B930 | |
Sunlight Bulb 3 | 197, 199, 48 | C5C730 | |
Sunlight Bulb 4 | 209, 211, 46 | D1D32E | |
Sunlight Bulb 5 | 224, 218, 48 | E0DA2B | |
Wooden Structures 1 | 49, 32, 5 | 312005 | |
Wooden Structures 2 | 86, 56, 10 | 56380A | |
Glass (stained) | 196, 236, 238 | C4ECEE | |
Metal Supports | 104, 117, 125 | 68757D |