Peaceful HillsBiome
Found in Adventure Worlds starting at Novice difficulty (Power Rank 0). This biome is as peaceful as lands in Trove can be. No monsters spawn here (aside from Shadow invaders). No dungeons or lairs can be found here either, except for Sunflower lairs. Those lairs only spawn in this biome (at Elite difficulty - power rank 100 and higher) and contain unique resource - [item=item/crafting/bulb_sun]. Harvesting sunlight bulbs can rarely reward player with [item=item/dragon/egg/flora_notrade_fragment_new].
Peaceful Hills Art
Art featuring Peaceful Hills. To have your art featured here please tag it with or have in the name "Peaceful Hills".
Featured Art Comments:
Kiwibird: "Seasonal, vibrant colors and excellent choice of shading."
Featured Art Comments:
Kiwibird: "Tons of variety in this one! Good job."
Featured Art Comments:
Coby says: I like the painterly look of the trunk and the variation within the leaves.